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Determine which statistics you will employ to measure the quality characteristics of your business and how often you will conduct statistical analysis

Determine which statistics you will employ to measure the quality characteristics of your business and how often you will conduct statistical analysis

Use the first part of this assignment and complete the questions for part 2. The first part is attached in the additional materials.
1. Determine which statistics you will employ to measure the quality characteristics of your business and how often you will conduct statistical analysis.
2. Analyze the key concepts related to capacity planning and facility location for your business.
3. Develop an appropriate level, chase, or hybrid aggregate plan to maintain a competitive advantage. Provide a rationale for developing the type of plan you did.
4. Apply the key elements of work system design, the project life cycle, and project management to your business.
5. Analyze the key concepts related to inventory planning and management as they apply to your business.

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