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Did you do part 3 and part 4 of Wobbly Wheels?

Did you do part 3 and part 4 of Wobbly Wheels? Please see attachment for the instructions for part 3.

This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcome to enable youto explain the roles and responsibilities of an information technology department tosupport an organization’s IT strategy CIO Organizational Structure Memo For thisassignment, you will assume the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at WW(i.e., you are Carol).Since you are WW’s first CIO, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO)has asked you for a plan for the organizational changes you need to make.One of the first things you realize is that the organization that exists is just an ‘ITDepartment’ and you know that what WW needs, and has hired you to do, is tocreate an organization that fulfills the broad responsibilities of a Chief InformationOfficer. You know that your proposal needs to be convincing to the CFO in order foryou to get the resources you need.You will develop a memorandum addressed to the CFO that explains how you wantto change your IT Department into a CIO organization and why.Your memo willaddress each of the topics listed below, and should be written so that it flows wellfrom one section to the next. Each of the topics to be included is covered in thetextbook readings assigned thus far.Please include the following in your memorandum, ensuring that each section flowswell to the next, and that the overall memo creates a compelling justification foryour new organizational structure.Introduction and Purpose–Open your memo with a brief (2 or 3 sentences)explanation of why you are writing it.Leadership Philosophy–Since you are the CIO and a member of the seniorleadership team of WW, it is important for the other members of the team tounderstand your leadership philosophy and the management style you will use tomeet the company’s needs.This should be a short paragraph that ties to thepriorities and/or issues outlined in the Case Study, and lays the foundation for theorganizational structure you will propose below.This is a good area in which to dosome external research.Internal IT Strategies–To show how your IT organization will support RR, you willpresent and explain five internal IT strategies.For Part 2 of your IT Strategic Plan,you provided at least one example of an internal IT strategy.Identify your internalIT strategy from the ITSP #2 assignment, then add four more internal IT strategies,so that you have a total of five.The strategies you develop must address:people,process and technology–at least one strategy for each.Describe each of the fivestrategies, identify if they address people, process or technology and explain howthey will help improve the organization’s effectiveness.Refer to Chapter 9.For anexplanation of internal and external IT strategies, see the portion of the text justprior to Table 9.2.Current IT Department Structure–Use the information provided in the Case Studyto draw an organization chart depicting the current roles and responsibilities. Youmay take some liberties in how you align the staff that is described in the Case Study,but all IT staff positions or groups must be included in the structure.Be sure to
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introduce or explain your org chart in the memo.Figure9.2 in Chapter 9 shows oneversion of an IT organization chart.You may use the Shapes tool or the SmartArttool to develop your organizational hierarchy chart, or you may paste in your chartfrom another drawing tool.New CIO Organization–Explain in a paragraph or two how a CIO organization isdifferent from an IT Department. Be sure to create a transition from the previoussection. This may be an area for you to do some external research.Key Services–List and explain at least five key services (more than five will earntop credit) that need to be included in your new CIO organizational structure.Youmay eliminate functions or positions from your current organizational structure ifyou believe it will improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency; these should beexplained. You should also add (and explain)any functions that you will need in yournew organization.Be sure these services are appropriate to your IT strategies andnote how each relates in your discussion.New CIO Organization Structure–Briefly explain what changes you will make andwhy.Draw an organization chart depicting your new CIO organizational structure.Be sure that the key services you listed are covered by the new organizationalstructure.(Follow the guidelines for drawing the organization chart given above forthe current organization.)Key Milestones–Your memo should include at least five key milestones (tasks orevents) (more than five will earn top credit) associated with accomplishing thechanges that you see are needed to change the IT Department into a CIOorganization.Each milestone should be briefly described (in a sentence or two) anda target completion date should be shown.In addition, for each milestone youshould identify at least one issue or concern you have with accomplishing it as wellas how it relates to the corresponding key service noted above.An example using amilestone not related to the organization might be:The milestone is to consolidateall servers into a new data center by Oct 2014.Some issues might be:(1) a securedata center must be located, (2) it will require significant downtime for thecorporate servers, and (3) the initial cost will be high.Conclusion–Provide an appropriate closing to your memo.
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