Discuss the American obsession with weight, physical attractiveness, food, fat grams, and so on. Measure and discuss the impact of media and commercial marketing practices on eating disorders and body image in adolescents.
Research Paper, Psychology
Preventing Eating Disorders Discuss the American obsession with weight, physical attractiveness, food, fat grams, and so on. Measure and discuss the impact of media
and commercial marketing practices on eating disorders and body image in adolescents. Bas
Project description
Preventing Eating Disorders
Discuss the American obsession with weight, physical attractiveness, food, fat grams, and so on. Measure and discuss the impact of media and commercial marketing
practices on eating disorders and body image in adolescents. Based on the information gleaned from the literature search, develop a media campaign based on social
marketing strategies designed to prevent eating disorders.
4. R<iUifdlPPri MO P f t u b i w i t t e d p a p t t WPl<IH!: See the Library/Research
hwtten on mr BB mainpaee. Failure to stibroit a paper mav impact vour grade/comDletioa of course.
A 3 page paper and 1 page Reference page (APA format) that has 2 joumat
articles and 1 using text minimum, double spaced, written from a selected topic
or approved topic is required for possible 100 points; an optional 3 page paper
with 2 additional references will count towards possible extra credit points of 35
for a total possible of 135points.
See The OWL at Purdue for examples of APA format. A great deal of information on writing and
research is available in this course. PLEASE go to the Library/Research tab with several
folders inside to assist you with YC library research, peer reviewed journals, writing format and
more. It is HIGHLY advised to read this information early in the course. Assignments will
guide you through format during the course! The link for the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at
Purdue is at the Library/Research button en our bkckbeard.
Deadline to submit topic for paper (if you choose a topic of your choice and diat is not
listed in folder) is 11/2/14. The research paper must he on the relevant topics of
Human Development.
Due on or before December 1.2014 (100 pts) NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED!
-Accessible at the Library/Research button, there will be several folders on researching journal articles and
writing tips for the research paper. In the folders, there are materials to assist you with writing format, a
grading rubric, and choices for topics.
– The paper MUST include a REFERENCES page, with a minimum of three references, and a title.
(Since this is an online class, a foil cover page isn’t necessary). REFERENCES should include peer
reviewed/professional journals and works. The references that you cite should not include a “generic web”
site page. Please see the numerous sites listed in the folder for format directions.
The paper is to be submitted or e-mailed to this instructor as a word document saved in rich text format (rtf)
or doc. Format by the due date and time. Please name your attachment by saving as your
Please see Blackboard or any program works for directions on sending attachments if you are not familiar
with this computer procedure. Cutting and pasting a paper into an email is not acceptable. Composition is
an integral part of this course. It is recommended that you have experience writing papers or essays
BEFORE you take this class. Please take the time to study the contents of the Research paper folder. The
OWL at Purdue offers an Online Writing Lab that covers writing essentials. Please contact this instructor if
you need assistance!
A Grading Rubric for the papers is included in a folder at Library/Research button… It is strongly
suggested that you become familiar with APA style. This is a course of psychological concepts; and
being able to think critically and write effectively are goals of the course work. Also see YC online library
services for assistance.
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