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Discuss the influence of workplace surveillance on managing people at work from the perspective of both employees and employers?

critically discuss the influence of workplace surveillance on managing people at work from the perspective of both employees and employers?
Order Instructions:
Critically discuss the influence of workplace surveillance on managing people at work from the perspectives of both employers and employees.
As a starting point, a few recent articles on the topic include:
Internet and Email Monitoring in the Workplace: Time for an Alternate Approach’, Journal of Industrial Relations, 53:4, 522- 533.
Richards, J. (2012) ‘What has the internet ever done for employees? A review, map and research agenda’, Employee Relations, 34:1, 22-43.
However, to answer this question, you do not have to limit your research to articles specifically on workplace surveillance. Academic textbooks can help with definitions and many of the issues in managing people at work are found in a range of areas, including:
? Human resource development ? Human resource management ? Industrial relations
? Organisational behaviour
? Psychology
? Sociology
? Workplace culture
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