Distinguish between white-collar crime and blue -collar crimes
1. Distinguish between white-collar crime and blue -collar crimes
2. Lutomia and Naibei were arguing about computer criminal. They realized four types of criminals namely; thieves, burglars, terrorists, hackers and cracker. Briefly explain difference between hackers and crackers
3. State where the cell pointer on a worksheet moves when the following key combinations
a) Crl + Home
b) Shift + Tab
(c) End followed by down arrow key
(d) Shift + Enter
4. Explain the meaning of the following domains on a web address
(a) .co.ke
(b) .ac.uk
(c) .or.ug
6. (a) Distinguish between a primary key and index key as used in databases
(b) Explain the relevance of foreign key in a database entity
7. Briefly explain how the operating system uses interrupt Request (IRQ) numbers to allocate computer resources
8. Name an input or output device used in the following tasks