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Division of Accounting and Finance

Order Description
Prepare an individual written financial analysis, including relevant ratios, using the most recent full financial statements of your allocated company.
You should produce a report which includes:
– the company context; operating and strategic
– a description of financial accounting for stakeholder protection, with examples of the relationship between your organization and its external environment
– a description of financial management, with an emphasis on investment decisions within your organization
– at least 7 ratios, 2 of which are useful to your allocated stakeholder group
– trends in performance (horizontal analysis)
– extra information you think appropriate to provide an assessment of past and potential future performance
Annual Reports on Company Websites and The Financial Times may provide useful information.
The assessment feedback sheet, indicating the relative weightings of the assessment criteria, can be found on the next page.
Topic: Division of Accounting and Finance
Order Description
Prepare an individual written financial analysis, including relevant ratios, using the most recent full financial statements of your allocated company.
You should produce a report which includes:
– the company context; operating and strategic
– a description of financial accounting for stakeholder protection, with examples of the relationship between your organization and its external environment
– a description of financial management, with an emphasis on investment decisions within your organization
– at least 7 ratios, 2 of which are useful to your allocated stakeholder group
– trends in performance (horizontal analysis)
– extra information you think appropriate to provide an assessment of past and potential future performance
Annual Reports on Company Websites and The Financial Times may provide useful information.
The assessment feedback sheet, indicating the relative weightings of the assessment criteria, can be found on the next page.

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