do you think the Internet has made it easier and better for doing research?
do you think the Internet has made it easier and better for doing research? Sometimes, I am just not sure
because I can actually become overwhelmed. For instance, I am a breast cancer survivor, and when I was first diagnosed, my first inkling was to get on the Internet and read everything that I could, but I stopped myself and realized I needed to be smart about it. I needed to go to trusted sites like I teach all of you to do. I immediately went to the American Cancer Society website and the Mayo Clinic website. I stayed away from people’s blogs and sites that did not seem to be linked to credible sources because I learned from the Mayo site that no two people’s cancer journey was the same. I did not want to scare myself.
So, what do you think? Does having the Internet make doing research easier? If so, why? If not, why?
Please give references too.
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