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Double Entry Recording Assessment – Description / Requirements:

Double Entry Recording Assessment – Description / Requirements:
The objective of this assignment is for you to record business transactions using a general journal
and then post relevant entries into a specific ledger account.
In this assessment, you will be given random transactions based on the various scenarios. Your task
is to analyse these transactions and record each (including the opening balances) into the General
Journal and then post the relevant entries to the General Ledger accounts. You do not need to fill out
the Trial Balance as it will automatically be calculated and carried over from your General Ledger.
Sheet 1: Description

IMPORTANT: Your ID and Student Username must be included here before
starting your assignment otherwise no information will populate.

Once the above is entered correctly, this worksheet will populate with your own
corresponding transactions and figures. Please use these to complete Sheet 2 and Sheet 3.
Sheet 2: General Journal

Record double-entries for each of the transactions provided on Sheet 1: Description
transaction including opening balances.

Each transaction must include a date, account names, and amounts in either the debit or
credit column.

  • Narrations are not required for each transaction.

Sheet 3: Ledger

Record all relevant transactions from the general journal including opening balance. Each
entry must include a date, account name(s)*, and amount in the appropriate columns.

  • Posts that require multiple accounts can be separated by a “/” sign (see below).
  • There is no need to leave a line in between each ledger entry.
  • The closing balance is automatically calculated, you do not need to do anything further in

the last line of each ledger.
Sheet 4: Trial Balance

  • This sheet is automatically generated from the closing balances in your General Ledger.
  • There is no need to do anything with the trial balance. This is just generated to help you

‘check’ your balances.

Total marking boxes are for administration purposes only and there is no need for you to
input any values.

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