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E-commerce 101: Impact of E-commerce on business owners

E-commerce 101Assignment

This assignment will worth 20 marks:
(Project 15 Marks / Discussion Board 5 Marks)

Assignment Purposes:

  1. Evaluate the characteristics of e-commerce.
  2. Demonstrate effective use of technology for
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of an e-commerce Web
  4. Explain the security and threats in the e-commerce
  5. Analyze basic concepts of consumer behavior and purchasing
  6. To apply critical thinking by the


Assignment Workload:

  • This assignment is an individual
  • The word count for this assignment must be between 2000 to 2500


Assignment Objectives & Requirements (15 Marks):

  1. To create a new E-commerce business, which is located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which include the followings:
    1. Introduction about your
    2. Product and type of
    3. Business
    4. Business
    5. Business
  2. To explain your business E-commerce
  3. To apply a SWOT analysis to your
  4. Building the E-commerce
    1. How it will look likes in terms of design and format (draft).
  5. Student is required to explain its E-commerce system functionality, such as:
    1. The product menu will show all the product we have in
    2. The contact button will have all the company contact details, social media links Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  6. System design (Picture attachment).
  7. Determine the suitable software and hardware needed with an explanation on why it’s needed.
    1. What type of functionality needed in your website, such as CRM?
    2. What type of hardware needed? Do you need a server or it will be in the cloud?
  8. Identifying security issues as well as how to avoid
    1. What type of security? To whom or to what?
    2. Potential threats to your website?


  1. Categorize marketing and advertising strategy and
    1. Marketing
    2. Social
    3. Local
    4. Multichannel
  2. Describe what are the ethics and laws within your E-commerce
  3. Conclude your report.


Discussion Board (5 Marks):

There are eight different important factors in e-commerce website design, which are:

  • Functionality
  • Informational
  • Ease of Use
  • Redundant Navigation
  • Ease of Purchase
  • Multi-Browser functionality
  • Simple graphics
  • Legible

T opic: Go to an e-commerce website of your choosing and evaluate its effectiveness
according to the basic criteria mentioned above.
Assignment Submission:

  • There w

ill be three submissions for this assignment as the following:

Submission Week Due Date Point covered Marks
First Submission Week 9 1,2,3,4 & 5 5
Final Submission Week 13 All 10
Discussion Board Week 14 Answering the Topic 5


  • The submission method will be through blackboard

A ssignment regulation:

  • A

ll students are encouraged to use their own word.

  • S tudent must apply any recognized Academic Referencing Style within their
  • S tudent is allowed to cite 10% from the word limit (2500 -word limit means 250


  • A

ords can be cited).
mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from
o ther resource without referencing it.

Assignment Criterion sheet:


Criterion 7: 85%-100% 6: 75%-84% 5: 65%-74% 4: 50%-64% Refer / Fail: 0%-49%
Understanding of the
The ability to:
Select an e-commerce
business field.
Describe information
Selects an interesting and approachable E-commerce business field.
Confidently contextualises the
operating environment
Authoritatively discusses the e- commerce business field in the context of E-commerce principles.
Selects an interesting E-commerce businessfieldbutmightnothave much externally available information toanalyze
Provides sufficient contextualisation of operating environment
Discusses the E-commerce business field inthecontextof E-commerce principles.
Selects an e-commerce business
Contextualises the operating
Only briefly discusses the e- commerce business field in the context of E-commerce principles.
Selects an e-commerce business
Very descriptive overview of information environment without any insightful commentary
Does not select an appropriate e-
commerce business.
Does not describe the information
environment sufficiently
Does not provide analysis or
commentary of any kind
Use of literature /
evidence of reading
Evidence of wide reading, drawing on an impressive range of sources.
Demonstrates critical appraisal of literature through consistently relevant, current and authoritative materials
Information is synthesised and applied in a seamless manner to provide insightful analysis and critical commentary on information environment
Evidence of independent research.
Appraisaloftheliteraturegained froma varietyofauthoritativeand relevant sources.
Information synthesised and providessomeanalysisandcritical commentary about information environment
Draws primarily on recommended readings, with limited independent research.
Limited analysis and critical
No independent research, relying on
recommended readings.
No evidence of literature being
The ability to: research
the topic
Literature is presented uncritically, in a purely descriptive way.  
draw on an appropriate range of authoritative sources    
Analyse / critique information environment through application of literature    


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