ECON 101: Microeconomic Analysis
Mission Statement
“Our mission is to provide high quality education, research, and services in finance”
I. Course Description: This course discusses the terminology, concepts, theory, methodology
and limitations of microeconomic analysis. It provides students with a theoretical structure to
analyze and understand economics as it relates to individuals and businesses and roles of the
market price system in managing the use of society’s resources and in rationing available supplies.
In addition, it seeks to provide students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics
that apply to the functions of individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, within
the economic system. It places primary emphasis on the nature and functions of product markets
and includes the study of factor markets and of the role of the government in promoting greater
efficiency and equity in the economy.
II. Course Learning Outcomes: (A summary of intended learning outcomes of the course
in each domain of learning). On the successful completion of this course, students will be able to
demonstrate the following:
Skills Course Learning Outcomes Measured by
CLO 1: Recognize the role of
scarcity, trade off, opportunity
cost and cost benefit analysis
in economic decision-making
CLO 2: Recognize the
fundamental economic
Examinations, Quizzes,
Homework assignments,
and Group reports and
project essay and
Prince Sultan University
College of Business
Administration / Finance
Summer Term 2019- 2020 (193)
TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
Course Syllabus Template
Page 2
theories and concept at the
micro level
CLO 3: Perform demand and
supply analysis to analyze the
impact of economic real world
events on markets
Group reports, project
submission, and
presentations, Examination
and quizzes
CLO 4: Analyse the behaviour
of consumers in terms of the
demand for products
CLO 5: Demonstrate ability
to accomplish required tasks
and assignments
Class participation,
Quizzes, group discussion
problems solving, and
CLO 6: Interpret basic
microeconomic data
Psychomotor (if Applicable) NA
III. Tentative Weekly Course Schedule: (Should mention the specific course topics to be
covered within the semester) May change to accommodate guest presenters & student needs.
Contact hours
1 Limits, Alternatives, and Choices
(Chapter 1) 2 hours
1 The Market System and the Circular Flow
(Chapter 2) 2 hours
2 Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium
(Chapter 3) 5 hours
2 Elasticity
(Chapter 6) 6 hours
3 Utility Maximization
(Chapter 7) 6 hours
4 Businesses and the Costs of Production
(Chapter 9) 3 hours
5 Pure Competition in the Short Run
(Chapter 10) 6 hours
6 Pure Competition in the Long Run
(Chapter 11) 6 hours
Prince Sultan University
College of Business
Administration / Finance
Summer Term 2019- 2020 (193)
TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
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Page 3
7 Pure Monopoly
(Chapter 12) 3 hours
7 Monopolistic Competition
(Chapter 13) 3 hours
8 Oligopoly
(Chapter 14) 3 hours
IV. Course Components (Indicate the total contact hours within the semester).
Component Contact Hours
Lecture 45 Hours
Tutorial 5 Hours
Practical/Field NA
V. Student Assessment & Teaching Strategies: Assessment Task (Indicate the kind of
assessment tasks to be used to measure student learning in each of the learning domain. Example:
quiz, oral examination, group work, etc.)
Teaching Strategies (Indicate the teaching and student activities to be used to develop the kinds
of learning involved in each learning domain. Also, research specialized Information about Best
Teaching Practices for the particular course/field).
Domain Assessment Teaching Strategy
Knowledge Quizzes and examinations Lecture and class
Skills Examinations– essay type, Quiz
and critical thinking
Lecture, Quiz and solving
problem using white board
Competency Assignments, Class discussion
and participation.
Participation in Class
Discussion and individual
VI. Course Requirements
One quiz scheduled in the semester, there is no make-up quiz.
Two major exams scheduled in the semester, there are no make-up majors without valid
excuses that mentioned by student affairs office.
Prince Sultan University
College of Business
Administration / Finance
Summer Term 2019- 2020 (193)
TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
Course Syllabus Template
Page 4
Individual Assignment:
Ongoing assignments will be given during the semester.
Required participation
• Attendance is extremely important. Students are expected to attend class regularly, to
arrive on time, and to remain through the scheduled class time.
• Bring your textbook to class along with the lecture PowerPoint Presentations
• Side conversations are not tolerated.
• Respect PSU dress codes (Abayas, sunglasses or pants are prohibited in class) and no
electronic devices inside the classroom.
• Side conversations will not be tolerated especially that are not connected to the class
VII. Schedule of Assessment (Specify the schedule/date of assessment & proportion of
assessment, attach related rubrics for each assessment if applicable. For examples of rubrics, visit . The schedule should be consistent with the academic calendar. Any
significant changes should be avoided. If significant changes are made, academic leaders should
be informed in writing and students should be given a new schedule of assessment table).
Assessment Assessment Task Week Due
Proportion of
Final Assessment
1 Class Attendance &
Participation Ongoing 4%
2 Assignments (Khan
Academy) July 9th 6%
3 Quiz 1 June 14th 5%
4 Major Exam 1 June 21st 20%
5 Quiz 2 July 5th 5%
6 Major Exam 2 July 12th 20%
7 Final Examination July 23rd at 4pm 40%
VIII. Learning Resources
Prince Sultan University
College of Business
Administration / Finance
Summer Term 2019- 2020 (193)
TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
Course Syllabus Template
Page 5
A. Text Book:
• R. Mcconnell, S. L. Brue and S. M. Flynn (2018). Economics: Principles,
Problems, and Policies, Twenty-First Edition. Mcgraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-1-
259-72322-3 (Student Edition)
Supplementary Sources:
• N. G. Mankiw and M. H. Rashwan (2018). Principles of Economics, Third Arab
World Edition. Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1-4737-4950-4
• Hubbard, O’Brien, Eid, and El Anshasy (2011). Economics. Arab World Edition.
• Michael Parkin (2010). Microeconomics. 9th Edition
• Robert Pindyck & Daniel Rubinfield. Microeconomics, 7th Edition. International
B. Facilities Required – (lecture room, computing resources, laboratories, others)
a. Lecture room
b. Multimedia with PC
c. Whiteboard
C. Learning Management System – website address, instructions, required participation,
LMS.: All information, materials, rubrics and announcement will be through Moodle
• (World Bank)
IX Classroom Policies
A. Academic Integrity P
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