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ECON 248 University of Bahrain Iraq Syria and Jordan Economic Sources and Worksheet

Dr. Hisham H. Abdelbaki

University of Bahrain

Business Administration College

Department of Economics and Finance

ECON 248

Project – 2020/2021 FIRST


Should be delivered by 20/12/2020







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General and important notices:

  1. Data must be in an excel sheet.
  2. Cheating means a ZERO mark
  3. You must provide full information of the data sources.



Select any THREE countries and collect data for at least the last 5 years about the following:

  1. Interest rate on deposits (debit interest rate)
  2. Interest rate on loans (credit interest rate)
  3. Inflation rate
  4. Saving rate (as a % of GDP)
  5. Total exports
  6. Total imports
  7. Exchange rate between the domestic currency and US dollar.
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