ECON 376 – Proposal and Term Paper Guidelines
ECON 376 Students are required to write a term paper on a topic related to Economics of Energy. The
proposal and the paper should follow the guidelines below.
I. Research Proposal
Prior to writing the paper, you need to write a short proposal. The proposal should have the following
– research topic
– main question(s)
– methodology (e.g. theoretical, empirical, modeling approach, survey)
– data sources (for empirical papers)
– two main references
The proposal should be typed and not longer than two standard (8.5-11”) pages with double space lines
and font size 12.
II. Paper
You can work on any topic dealing with a particular aspect of Economics of Energy. The paper can be
theoretical or empirical. The theoretical paper includes a literature review or a survey on a current issue
discussed in the literature. The empirical paper can be either a survey of the literature on an issue with a
wide range of empirical results, a quantitative analysis, or an estimation of a model. The topics we cover
in class are good examples of the research topics for your term paper, but your topic should be specific
to allow you to provide a deeper coverage of the material. Here are some topics past students have
worked on:
Energy Scenarios in Saskatchewan
Oil Sands Development in Canada
Future of Crude Oil
Carbon Tax Effects on Saskatchewan Farmers
Carbon Tax Effects on Prices
Electric Car Demands in China
Energy Consumption and Economic Growth
Renewable Energies in Northern Communities
Solar or Wind Energy Developments in Ontario
Is 100 percent Renewable Achievable?
Recent Trend in Energy consumption in China
Saskatchewan’s Uranium Royalty and Implications of Change
Measuring Oil Supply Impacts of the Libyan civil war
Impacts of gasoline tax
Geothermal Energy in the Canadian Context: A Feasibility Analysis
Oil Sand: Nature’s gift or a curse to Canada?
Macroeconomic Impacts of Oil Price Shocks
Oil peak in Canada
Dutch Disease in Canada
Hydraulic Fracturing
Determinants of oil price
The paper must be minimum 8 and maximum 10 pages (max. 2500 words, double spaced, Times font 12,
standard margins) excluding tables, graphs, and bibliography.
A proper organization of the paper will have the following sections:
– Introduction
o Motivation
o Main questions
o objectives
o Methodology
– Body
o Economic model
o Review of the literature
o Data description
o Results
o Analysis
– Conclusion
o Summary of the finding
o Possible shortcomings and caveats
– References
o Follow the standard format used in Economic journals, e.g. Chicago standard.
The paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Organization
2. Clarity (how well the ideas are developed and presented)
3. Originality
4. Depth and coherence of the analysis
5. Citation
Good luck.
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