economic 101 Glendale community college (principles of microeconomics)
Please used simple word and answer all the questions based on book my book is economic 101 Glendale community college (principles of microeconomics)
1. Complete a table for Q, FC, VC, TC, MC, MR, Price, TR and Profit using reasonable numbers for a perfectly competitive firm. For price, use a number equal to the number of letters in your first name. For Q use 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
For MC use $2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15 Use numbers that create a single quantity for which profit is maximized. You may need to play around with the numbers to make this work out. Show that MR = MC at profit maximization by graphing MC and MR.My name is lilia last name is allahyari
In place of question 2 below, you may substitute the following:
(calculus substitute). Go to the calculus in micro modules (top of Moodle page). Complete the following sections:
Marginal analysis;
Profit maximization; and
Average costs and marginal cost.
For each section, identify one page that could be improved so that you will learn more about the connection between microeconomics and calculus. Explain how I might improve those three pages.
2. In the Glendale College library, online, and in most public libraries, you will find an extensive collection of corporate annual reports. Please choose a corporation that begins with the first letter of your first or last name.
What is the name of your corporation? What does it produce? How large is this corporation? (please think carefully about the best way to measure size) Be careful with your units. Skim through the annual report looking for one of the following concepts. It is unlikely that the report will use this precise language, but all reports use at least two of these concepts implicitly:
Economies of scale versus diseconomies of scale
Fixed costs versus variable costs
Shutdown versus exit
Marginal versus average costs
Explain how the report refers to one of these concepts.
3.Based on your reading of the article Climate Economics in Four Easy Pieces†in the photocopy reader:
Identify two concepts used in this article that we have studied in Microeconomics. How does the author use the concept and how is each similar to how we used in in the course?
4. Based on your learning from chapters 7, 8, and 9, select one concept for a one-page essay and reflect on the following:
How did learning about this concept change the way I understand [insert specifics about the concept]?
Why is learning this concept important? This question must be answered bases on book
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