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Employee motivation

Question Description

Communication with employees currently is done through an Intranet site called “What’s Up.” It’s read by most employees, but not regularly as not all always have access to a computer. A newsletter quarterly, but more communication is needed.
As the leader of your organization and this new merger, you will need to find ways to keep your employees motivated.
In a 1-2 page paper, cover the following:

  • How will you create and sustain an environment in which motivation can occur?
  • What will be some of the challenges in motivating your employees? How will you overcome these challenges?
  • Will you incorporate any incentive programs? Why?
  • Provide 2 sources.
  • And Using the internet, examine how an organization motivates a diverse group of individuals towards a common goal and write on the following:
    • What type of leadership style do you think is best for motivating a diverse group of individuals?
    • What are some of the challenges and how they can be overcome?
    • Do you feel incentive programs are beneficial? Why or why not?
    • Provide 2 sources.
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