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Enron Triggered A Complete Overhaul Of How Companies Were Governed: Business Essay Assignment, NUI, Ireland

University National University of Ireland (NUI)
Subject Business

Assignment Brief:

Enron triggered a complete overhaul of how companies were governed in the U.S.A.
In your essay evaluate the following:

  • The events that led to the collapse of Enron, including the behavior of management and the business environment at the time.
  • The main provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) which was drawn up by the USA government in response to a number of major financial scandals such as that of Enron.

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  • Not less than 1,000 and not more than 1,500 words (excl. cover page, disclaimers & references).
  • Be typed in Arial font, size 12,1.5 spacing.
  • Professional/academic standard expected in content & quality of essay layout/presentation.
  • Support content with references in the text and provide a reference list.
  • Answer both questions thoroughly with evidence of research on the same
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