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Topic: Each of the following components of the business plan should be used as headings and begin on a separate page. For your chosen business: Identify the Start-Up Resource Requirements

  1. People (Explain how you will build the initial team. Will you use professional advisers (must provide support as to why or why not). Will you hire employees or outsource with independent contractors?)
  2. Physical Assets (Where will the company be located? Rent or own? Equipment?)
  3. Financial Resources
  4. Estimate sales and revenues.
  5. Prepare a pro-forma income statement.
  6. Forecast start-up cash needs.
  7. Discuss the role of the balance sheet in the business plan.
  8. What are some important biblical concepts to consider in this part of the business plan?

(My business is an online retail store, T-shirt line called Cutesy. It will be cute T-shirts with logos and slogans on it. I will also allow my customers to have the shirt custom made)The book is Allen, Launching New Ventures (6th ed.) Mason, OH: Cengage Learning)

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