ES1 Assignment 2 Individual essay
The Essay
Students will grow in their knowledge and understanding of the subject material as we progress through this module. To this end students are expected to reflect on each week’s learning and apply it to their chosen company using a personal journal function in Nile. Journal entries must be submitted as appendix to the assignment. Students can lose up to 10% of the total available marks where regular thoughtful journals were not kept
In writing the essay students would be expected to refer to company group reports and accounts, analysts’ and company reports from trade and other journalsand relevant theory.
Choose one company from the list below:
- Atkins plc (chosen company)
- Balfour Beatyplc
- Carpetrightplc
- Easyjetplc
Critically analyse the company with specific reference to models theories and techniques explored in the module.
Your essay should include the following information about the company:
1. Description including: size, turnover, industry, market share, key markets, sourcing of raw materialsand other relevant information. 2. Important financial trends for this company over 5 years. 3. Corporate and financial actions related to the international nature of the company including major developments over recent years. Comment on key areas of strength or weakness with reference todegree of competition, geographical location, financing and implications. |
1000 words |
Key element: Critically analyse the company with specific reference to model theories and techniques explored in the module.
Learning Outcome
To produce well-argued and critical appraisals on a wide area of the subject material and to demonstrate detailed knowledge on at least one area of the syllabus.
The written work should demonstrate a clear understanding of the research in the field of study.
Max length 2500 words.
The written assignment will be submitted through NILE.
Marking Criteria
Achievement of the Assessment Brief (To what extent does the work address the task set?) |
· Independent thinking and critical reflection |
· Overall achievement of learning outcomes |
Content and Analysis |
· A good understanding of the theories and arguments relevant to the essay |
· A logical linkage to related literatures and critically evaluating alternative theories and/or empirical evidence |
· Use of appropriate models, concepts and theories in empirical analyses |
· Appropriate use of diagrams and illustrations |
· Originality of the study |
Structure and presentation |
· A clear and coherent structure of the essay |
· The quality of language, e.g., punctuality, spelling and grammar, and using an appropriate academic standard |
Referencing and Accuracy |
· Use of the Harvard reference system properly in the main text and references |
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