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Examine the underlying pathophysiological processes relating to the clinical presentation. Is the pathophysiology underlying the clinical presentation affected by the identified health behaviors?

Examine the underlying pathophysiological processes relating to the clinical presentation. Is the pathophysiology underlying the clinical presentation affected by the identified health behaviors?


Answer the questions in the

Learning Outcomes Section
Notes for Review of current and new Knowledge section of your report

Briefly discuss why your new questions are relevant to your case study.

Provide a brief overview of a theoretical principle of Life Span and Development using one of the psychosocial developmental theories and explain why it is applicable

to your chosen scenario. e.g. Levinson, Buhler or Erickson.

Briefly discuss if a cultural perspective needs to be taken into account if relevant to the scenario?
Are there any identifiable health promoting behaviours or health detrimental beliefs and attitudes in the scenario? Discuss how these health detrimental beliefs and

attitudes, life style choices and risk behaviours may impact on the health status of the client.

Examine the underlying pathophysiological processes relating to the clinical presentation. Is the pathophysiology underlying the clinical presentation affected by the

identified health behaviours?


Using a holistic and person-centred approach, explore the issues raised in this case study and how you can support this client.
Consider the ANMC RN Competency Standards.

Consider the nursing interventions and clinical skills that are required for this Case Study.

Consider the on-going patient safety concerns in relation to continuing care or discharge planning.

Notes for Nursing Management section of your report

Identify the appropriate ANMC RN Competency Standards that would be applicable for you as an RN in providing holistic and person-centred care for your client.

Construct new understandings of two nursing management strategies that could be utilised to provide optimal and holistic nursing care for the client? Provide evidence

of how your nursing management connects to the identified pathophysiological processes.


smilesmile. .


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Examine the underlying pathophysiological processes relating to the clinical presentation. Is the pathophysiology underlying the clinical presentation affected by the identified health behaviors? was first posted on October 21, 2019 at 5:11 pm.
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