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Explain the following terms as applied in a word processor 

12.   Explain the following terms as applied in a word processor

(i) Text wrap


(ii) Word wrap

13.   (a) Distinguish between first-line and hanging indentation

(b) Differentiate between the following combinations of terms:-


(i) Filtering and sorting


(ii) Relative and absolute cell references

14.   (a) Differentiate between the following combinations of terms:-


(i) Filtering and sorting


(ii) Relative and absolute cell references

15.   Identify the elements of a function

16.   A class teacher of form 3E in Nzambani secondary school requested a programmer to design a simple program that would help do the following:-


(a) Enter the names of students and marks obtained in 8 subjects; maths, English, Kiswahili,  Biology, Chemistry, Business Studies, History and Computer Studies.


(b) After entering each subject mark the program should calculate for each student


(c) Depending on the average mark obtained, the program should assign the grades as follows:-

Between 80 and 100 = A

Between 70 and 79 = B

Between 60 and 69 = C

Between 50 and 59 = D

Below 50 = E


(d) The program should display each students name, total marks and the average grade. Using a  flow chart, show the design of the program

17.   (a) Define the following terms in reference to the internet:-

(i) Protocol

(ii) Website

(iii) Search engine

(iv) Spam mail


(b)List three examples of search engines


(c) Identify the functions of the following devices in data communication:-


(i) Modem


(ii) Network interface card


(iii) Brouter


(d) Describe bounded and unbounded forms of communication giving two examples  in eace case

(e) Outline four advantages of using fibre optic cables

18.   (a) Define the following terms as used in data representation


(i) Amplitude


(ii) Frequency


(iii) Nibble


(iv) Byte


(b) Perform the following 11111.11112 + 100001.10102 – 1111.001112


(c) Using two’s complement subtract 73 from 115 and convert the answer to decimal notation


(d) Identify the duties of the following ICT specialists


(i)Software engineer


(ii) System analyst


(e) List two types of opportunities available in the field of computer hardware

19.   (a) Describe the following computer files


(i) Logical and physical files


(ii) Master and backup files


(b) Explain the following computational errors


(i) Truncation


(ii) Overflow


(iii) Rounding errors


(c) Define data integrity and state three ways of minimizing threats to data integrity


(d) Define virtual reality and state three ways of minimizing threats to data integrity


(e) Discus how computers are used in reservation systems

20.   (a) Explain the main activity carried out in each of the following system development stages


(i) Problem recognition


(ii) Coding


(iii) Implementation


(b) Explain the following changeover methods:-


(i) Direct


(ii) Parallel


(iii) Phased


(c) Explain two advantages of modular programming


(d) Explain how the use ICT may affect the society


(e) Explain the four main areas of artificial intelligence


1.  Distinguish between white-collar crime and blue -collar crimes

2.  Lutomia and Naibei were arguing about computer criminal. They realized four types of criminals namely; thieves, burglars, terrorists, hackers and cracker. Briefly explain difference between hackers and crackers

3.  State where the cell pointer on a worksheet moves when the following key combinations

a) Crl + Home

b) Shift + Tab


(c) End followed by down arrow key

(d) Shift + Enter

4.  Explain the meaning of the following domains on a web address




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