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Falls prevention within the elderly people (65 years and above) in a care home in the UK

3,000 Words
The task is about evaluation and critical review of the project for commissioning or practice innovation.
Project Title:
Falls prevention within the elderly people (65 years and above) in a care home in the UK
Outline of the project including aim(s)
To prevent falls through the provision of wall walking rail for elderly
Project Objectives
To provide working wall rail for elderly in care home
To protect the elderly from falls
To minimise the effect to risk in elderly people
To reduce the risk of premature mortality amongst elderly
(1.) You should include the following elements in your report;
(a) Context  – How does the project link to Public Health Outcomes Framework 2012
(b) Background
(c) Justification
(i) This section will provide context and rationale for your chosen project. Consider wider population needs and partnership working where appropriate.
(ii) Explore the background and context for your proposal, with reference to the literature and appropriately draw in the political, social, economic and cultural influences for your project.
(iii) It is important to consider local, national and international perspectives, appropriately.
(iv) You must include examples of similar projects which have been identified as successful in the literature.
(v) Utilise public health theory and a range of literature to synthesise your argument.
(2.) What is the approach and why has it been selected against other possible options.
(a) Critically debate a range of therapeutic interventions, identifying and evaluating the benefits of your chosen project for commissioning/practice innovation.
(b) Examine the strengths and weaknesses of your project, identify possible limitations.
(3.) Discuss with appropriate references and example, the project link to Public Health Outcomes Framework 2012
(a) Domain1: Improving the wider determinants of health
(b) Domain 2: Health improvement
(c) Domain 3: Health protection
(d) Domain 4:  Healthcare public health and preventing premature mortality
(e) Outline the evidence base to support the project – including links to local and national priorities as outlined in key documents for example:-  Healthy Lives Healthy People, Annual report of the Chief Medical Officer 2013 and others
(5) Costing – Outline the costs involved in the project. These may be financial or hidden for example: Staff training cost, Materials, Equipment such as armchair, handrail etc
(6.) Indication of how
(a) service users and
(b) carers will be involved  in the development of the project
(7) Indication of how other professionals and stakeholders, including providers, will be involved in the development of the project where applicable
(8) Processes to ensure the quality and safety of the project – discuss in relation to
(a) Health and Safety
(b)  Risk Assessment
(c) DBS
(9) How will success be measured in your project – to show that the project achieve its objectives / aims
(10) Outline any strategies for evaluating the project  – this needs to include
(a) Continue to persuade staff that fall prevention is important
(b) Engaging staff in defining the problems
(c) Provide staff with data
(d) Others please discuss
(11) In your report discuss with appropriate references
(a) Benefits
(b) Risks and
(c) Ethical issues
(i) Critically consider the benefits and risks and include critical discussion of ethical issues which may be significant in your proposal.
(ii) Again, utilise public health theory and a range of literature to synthesise your argument.
(iii) Integrate theory to the practice in your discussion and analysis.

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