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FIN 340 PSUSA Real Estate Finances & Mortgage Residential Property in Riyadh Essay

Question Description

I’m working on a real estate project and need support to help me understand better.


You are required to select a property in an area based on information available through websites or any real estate application. Please quote your references.

You need to complete the following tasks:

1. Review the residential property market in Riyadh.

2. Explain in details the two valuation methods and process that you will use in order to

determine the market value of the subject property.

3. Indicate the market value of the subject property.

4. Supposed you want to acquire the property, choose the best financing option to finance the

property. Discuss the terms and conditions for this mortgage financing.

5. Compute the monthly mortgage commitment by demonstrating a first year mortgage payment. 6. Conclude your report.

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