FIN2101Corporate Finance: Bahrain Institute of Banking Capital Asset Pricing Model Capstone
FIN2101: Corporate Finance
Assignment Guidelines
Module Leader: Mrs Aisha Fazal
Deadline: November 30, 2020
Your Task: (40 marks)
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is widely used throughout finance for pricing risky securities
and generating expected returns for assets given the risk of those assets and cost of capital.
You are required to write a 3,500 (+/- 10%) word essay on the CAPM model. Your essay should
include assumptions of CAPM, a detailed explanation of the CAPM equation, problems with
the CAPM model in practical application, efficient frontier along with a discussion of security
market line. Please ensure your essay follows a logical flow and format. Your work must
include graphical analysis of CAPM as relevant.
You are required to use academic resources and e-library. Please do not cite Investopedia, Wikipedia
and other unreliable websites. Please research from published academic journals and textbooks the
access of which is available to you.
Proper intext citation and bibliography must be done using Harvard style.
General Instructions & Format:
1) This is an individual assignment that you should be writing on your own.
2) The word limit for this assignment is 3,500 words (+/- 10%); excluding graphs and tables.
3) The assignment must be submitted on time (a soft copy to be uploaded on My Class
Turnitin Section ) to be considered for evaluation.
4) Assignments submitted after the deadline will be penalised by deducting 5% of the overall
mark for each day up-to 6 days; assignments will not be graded or accepted after 6 days.
5) If you face any problem, please make sure to contact your lecturer before the due date.
6) You are expected to support your work with sources from the literature and use Harvard
referencing style as appropriate, in text and in the list of references at the end of your
7) Assignment related questions may be asked in the final exam.
8) Format:
a. Font: Times New Roman
b. Use double spacing and sufficient margins (3-4 cm)
c. Headings & subheadings font size: 14 points; the rest of the text: 12 points
d. All pages should be numbered; include a table of content
• The assignment will count for 40% of your final grade for this module.
Academic Integrity:
• Fill in the BIBF Assignment Coversheet, scan it or capture it as a picture (to ensure that it
does not affect the similarity % counted by Turnitin) and paste it in the first page of your
• Make sure to sign the coversheet.
• By signing the coversheet and uploading your work on Turnitin, you confirm that:
– The work is your own, and that you have not copied another’s work or allowed anyone to
copy your work, and that you have referenced the work of others in an appropriate way.
– You have read and understood the BIBF guidelines on Plagiarism and abided with the
necessary practice
• Students who are suspected to have encountered any form of academic dishonesty will face
further investigation.
Grading Scheme
Category Grade Primary Marking Criteria Secondary Marking Criteria
70% and over
• Comprehensive knowledge
• Detailed understanding of the subject area
• Extensive background study
• Highly focussed answer and well structured
• Logically presented and defended arguments
• No factual/computational errors
• Original interpretation
• New links between topics are developed
• New approach to a problem
• Excellent presentation with very accurate communication
• Exceeds expectations for most primary criteria
• Complete command of subject and other relevant areas
• Ideas/arguments are highly original
• Exceeds expectations for some primary criteria
• Complete command of subject
• Ideas/arguments are highly original
• Meets all primary criteria
• Command of subject but with minor gaps in knowledge
• Ideas/arguments are mostly original
Meets requirements of
• Meets most but not all primary criteria
• Command of subject but with some gaps in knowledge
• Ideas/arguments are mostly original
Good within the Class
• Knowledge of key areas/principles
• Understands the main elements of the subject area
• Limited evidence of background study
• Answer focussed on question but also with some irrelevant material and
weaknesses in structure
• Arguments presented but lack coherence
• Has several factual/computational errors
• No original interpretation
• Only major links between topics are described
• Limited problem solving
• Some weaknesses in presentation and accuracy
• Exceeds expectations for some primary criteria
• Strong factual knowledge with some weaknesses in understanding
• Ideas/arguments are limited but are well presented
• Matches all primary criteria
• Moderate factual knowledge with some weaknesses in understanding
• Ideas/arguments are limited with weaknesses in logic/presentation
Meets requirements of
• Matches most but not all primary criteria
• Moderate factual knowledge with several weaknesses in understanding
• Ideas/arguments are limited with weaknesses in logic/presentation
Good within the Class • Knowledge of key areas/principles only
• Weaknesses in understanding of the subject area
• Limited evidence of background study
• Answer only poorly focussed on question and with some irrelevant
material and poor structure
• Arguments presented but lack coherence
• Several factual/computational errors
• No original interpretation
• Only major links between topics are described
• Limited problem solving
• Many weaknesses in presentation and accuracy
• For PGT – Insufficient to fulfil the associated learning outcomes
• Exceeds expectations for some primary criteria
• Moderate factual knowledge with several weaknesses in understanding
• A few ideas/arguments are presented but with weaknesses
• Matches all primary criteria
• Limited factual knowledge with several weaknesses in understanding
• Very few ideas/arguments are presented
Meets requirements of
• Matches most but not all primary criteria
• Limited factual knowledge with many weaknesses in understanding
• Very few ideas/arguments are presented and with errors in
Category Grade Primary Marking Criteria Secondary Marking Criteria
Good within the Class
• Insufficient to fulfil the associated learning outcomes
• No evidence of relevant knowledge or understanding
• No evidence of background study
• Answer relies on irrelevant material and lacks a coherent structure
• No arguments presented or arguments are not relevant to the assessment
• Many factual/computational errors
• No attempt at interpretation
• No links between topics are described
• No attempt to solve problems or to address the assessment brief
• The presentation is very weak containing many inaccuracies
• Exceeds expectations for most primary criteria
• No evidence of knowledge/understanding
• Only limited evidence of an attempt to answer the question
• Exceeds expectations for some primary criteria
• No evidence of knowledge/understanding
• Very limited evidence of an attempt to answer the question
Meets requirements of
• Matches all primary criteria
• No evidence of knowledge/understanding and/or evidence of
• No attempt to answer/address the question
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