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Note: This assignment should be based on real-life data, taken primarily from the published Annual Reports of Turkish Airlines (‘TA’) and Oman Air (‘OA’).  Full copies of the Annual Reports of both airlines are available for download from their respective websites.
The aviation industry has faced challenges since the Global Financial Crisis that peaked in 2008, and TA and OA are no exceptions.  The two airlines operate on different scales and it is of interest to analyse which has proved to be the more resilient during recent times: however, the analysis is complicated by the fact that in 2016, following the attempted coup d’état in Turkey, the American Federal Aviation Administration banned flights from Turkey to the United States.
You have been hired as a consultant to provide a formal report analysing, comparing, and evaluating the performance of both airlines using financial and non-financial measures.  In addition to non-financial measures, your report should consider financial measures such as the profitability, efficiency, liquidity, and financing of the airlines and include a comparative analysis.  You should use ratio analysis to perform your assessment of the trend of financial performance over at least a three-year period.  Your report should include a horizontal analysis of the Income Statement and a vertical common size analysis of the balance sheets for the most recent two years for which data is available (using total assets as a base).
Your report should include Terms of Reference, an Executive Summary, and an Introductory Statement.  Conclusions (including any recommendations) should be clearly based on your analysis and any assumptions made should be identified and justified.

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