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For each of the following situations:  (1) explain whether each of the individuals is unemployed, employed, or out of the labor force. (2) Give an explanation why you might want to count this person in some other category, ie considered employed but might consider unemployed, etc. (1 point each)

For each of the following situations:  (1) explain whether each of

the individuals is unemployed, employed, or out of the labor force.
(2) Give an explanation why you might want to count this person in some other category, ie considered employed but might consider unemployed, etc. (1 point each)

A.) Jeff Emmett, has taken a part time job at Home Depot while he looks for a full time job as a plumber.

B.) Eric Schmitt was laid off from his job.  He claims to be looking for a job so he can draw unemployment for 6 months until he reaches 62 when he will begin drawing retirement.

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