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GDI60151 UOM Changing Meaning of Human Resources

The University of Manchester
MGDI 60151
Human Resource Development: Key Concepts 2019/2020
ASSIGNMENT 1 (15% of final mark)
The total Length should not exceed 1000-words (excluding references)
Assignments should be submitted ONLINE via Turnitin
Submission Deadline: 14:00 on Tuesday 5 November 2019
DRAFT – subject to External Examiner’s approval
• The University has a strict policy on plagiarism. Unacknowledged copying of another
person’s work will result in the automatic failure of the assignment and may lead to
disciplinary action being taken against the study fellow. Your answer must be fully and
correctly referenced where appropriate. For guidance on how to make sure you avoid
plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice, please consult your student
• Please note that in accordance with Faculty policy, any student who submits a piece of
assessed coursework after the submission deadline will receive a penalty, unless they
are subsequently able to prove Mitigating Circumstances (See the Mitigating
Circumstances Section of your Programme Handbook for more details).
About this Assignment
The main purpose of this assignment is to help improve students’ study and writing skills. It is
intended, therefore, to provide an opportunity for guidance to students on how to meet the
standards expected on their Master’s degree programme. The assessment is formative is nature
and the emphasis is essentially to help study fellows change their academic behaviours, where
necessary by providing adequate information regarding what the they have done right or
Your Task
The contemporary environment within which human resource development (HRD) is practiced
is changing and this has implications for how HRD is understood and interpreted. Globalisation
and the ideas of the learning society and knowledge-based economy have led to an increasing
emphasis on high skills and a growing interconnectedness of societies. The influence of these
issues on organisations and societies are wide-ranging, diverse, and creates complex and
shifting contexts for HRD theory and policy.
Drawing on what you have learned in this course so far, and from your independent study,
critically explore the changing meaning of HRD in contemporary contexts, highlighting the
importance of the concept in advancing socio-economic and human development, especially in
the global South. Provide policy suggestions on how these contributions can be better
General Instruction
• The paper should be written in proper narrative form. It should include an
introduction, a supporting body of information and a conclusion. The paper should be
written in your own original words.
• Your response should be supported by examples, relevant data and research.
• The paper should include a cover sheet that contains your student ID and table of
contents. Please DO NOT include your name on the coversheet or anywhere else.
• The paper should include a list of references.
Sources and Referencing
If you use any outside sources, please cite them using the Harvard referencing format. Please
only include works that were actually cited in your essay in the reference list. If you are
unsure about how to use Harvard format to cite your sources, please see the following
resources provided by the John Rylands Library:
Presentation and Formatting
Assignments must be word processed: 12pt font size, with at least 1.5 line spacing in a font
type which ensures readability such as Times, Times New Roman, Palatino, Garamond, Arial,
Verdana, Tahoma and Trebuchet. Single spacing may be used for quotations and references.
You MUST NOT change, paraphrase, re-word or alter any of the assignment questions
in any form or guise. You might be penalised for doing so.
There is +/-10% leeway either side of the word-count total. This total includes
footnotes/endnotes but not the list of references at the end.
Before You Submit
When you are done writing your essay, please take some time to check for any errors or to add some
final touches. It is also suggested that you use online plagiarism checkers to make sure that your essay
is not too similar to any existing materials.
Again, you are reminded that the rules on plagiarism outlined in your Programme Handbook apply to
this assignment, so please make sure that you re-acquaint yourself with these before you submit your
work. Plagiarized submissions will NOT be graded and will attract appropriate disciplinary actions.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course work the student will be able to:
1. Define HRD and analyse the similarities, differences and connections between HRD and
related fields – past, present and future.
2. Identify and understand the salient national and global issues that are influencing and
reshaping HRD theory and practice in contemporary times.
3. Understand the impact of HRD systems, policies, and practices on the development process,
both nationally and globally.
4. Identify and understand the changing role of HRD professionals/leaders in the development
of skills and in societal transformation in contemporary contexts.
5. Evaluate the roles HRD play in key areas such as education, capacity development of the
workforce, and advancing human development more broadly.
6. Create linkages between theory and practice through writings and research regarding the
changing meanings and roles of HRD, its current impact and future trends.
Grading Criteria
Your essay will be graded based on the following rubric:
Mark Grade Descriptor
80 % + Outstanding work in every respect. A comprehensive and complete answer that clearly demonstrates a deep understanding of the
subject and high intellectual quality.
75-79 % Excellent work in every respect. Comprehensive and clearly demonstrates a thorough understanding of the subject and clear
intellectual quality. Indications of originality and comprehensiveness.
70-74% Excellent work. Demonstrates a thorough and critical understanding of the subject and clear intellectual quality.
60-69% Thorough, clear treatment showing a good understanding of arguments and context. Engages with the major issues. Very good work
towards the top end of the scale.
50-59% Provides a competent discussion of relevant material and some evidence of critical/analytical thought.
40-49% Adequate treatment of the subject but with little critical insight. Reproduces material covered in lectures/seminars but adds little
from own investigation.
30-39% Inadequate treatment of the subject. Barely reproduces material covered in lectures/seminars.
20-29% Highly inadequate work that reveals very limited knowledge of the subject. Often irrelevant.
0-19% Very little ability revealed whatsoever.
Please refer to your Programme Handbook for pass criteria
All enquiries related to any aspect of this assignment should be directed to the Module
Convenor – Dr Kelechi Ekuma at You can also make
individual appointments with Kelechi on Tuesdays from 13:00 – 14:30, however, this must be
pre-arranged via email.
Good luck!

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