Gender Equality and Economic Development
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Gender equality and economic development
More and more governments and international organization focus on the development of gender equality and economic development. Gender inequality become a very important issue for developing countries. The level of gender equality influence countries every side. There are so many gender equalities and discrimination against female in this world. It is true that women still do not have right like men in some poor countries. International organizations and media always exposure sexism issues to get public eye. They use public opinion to make some governments change law to protect women right. Their reports are effective and positive in gender equality, but it is not effect a permanent cure. It is well-know that most inequality issues happened in poor developing countries. It is not mean there are no inequality issues in developed countries, it means that women face more social bad environment in developing countries than developed countries. These obvious differentia between developed countries and developing countries is economic development level. In other words, the level of gender equality and level of economic development may have some relationship. Is that high level gender equality will promote the development of economy or economic development will change gender inequalities. This paper will focus on the relationship between gender equality and economic development to explore how gender inequalities impede the economic development and what developing countries should do for improve social status of women in future.
In this first part of this paper will talk about the international societal situation to show the relationship between global gender gap and GDP per capital. Using data to compare different countries as variable-controlling approach and prove that economic development will change the development gender equality in positive ways. Next, this paper will show how gender inequality hinder the development of economic. After that, this paper will focus on the women’s participation in the labor market to show different level of support for gender equality from employment women and full-time housewives. I will give some suggestions to developing countries how to improve gender equality and economic development. These suggestions will be focus on two aspects: education and political right.
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