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Globalization and Fast Fashion

Provide support researching and drafting a paper on globalization and the economic impact of fast fashion. Approaching the issue from a micro-economic standpoint on a global scale. Answering questions like can the increased speed of fast fashion continue? Support this with data and looking at trends on a global scale and by examining the effects of labor and trade.
10-page double spaced paper using footnotes and reference page at the end. It’s more essay-style than research in it’s organization. Supporting article with data on trends like how do we measure the speed of fast fashion? Can the increased speed of fast fashion continue?

  • May use subheading, but not necessary.
  • What are the direct impacts of fast fashion→ culture of disposability
  • Ideally, connect ideas to globalization as much as you can
  • Fast fashion how is it fast?
  • Can increases in fast fashion continue?
  • Ideally use good sources, like from Jstor or GoogleScholar, Articles like NY Times and the Economist are fine too.

In 1930, the average American woman owned an average of nine outfits. Each year, we each buy more than 60 pieces of new clothing and will toss out 81 pounds of clothing on average. Fast fashion is a contemporary term used by fashion retailers that describes the process in which clothing pieces are designed and manufactured quickly and inexpensively such that the mainstream consumer is able to buy current clothing styles shown on fashion show catwalks at lower prices. This philosophy of quick manufacturing at an affordable price is used in large retailers such as H&M, Zara, C&A, Primark, and Topshop. Fast Fashion is on pace to have a larger economic and social impact at a global scale than any modern industrial trend in the past 50 years. While this revolutionary and rapid approach to the production of products has created labor benefits and socioeconomic improvements for some countries, the long-term effects are disconcerting and perilous. With consumer demand only growing, the future of Fast Fashion and its global consequences require thoughtful evaluation. International trade and job creation have been welcomed with open arms by many countries but the economic sustainability and the long-term impact on the environment are of grave concern. The global economic benefits of Fast Fashion have been significant to date but they must be weighed against the longer-term risks to those countries that are becoming dependent on the trade, job creation and industrial prosperity. If the impact of Fast Fashion is not monitored and managed carefully, there will be irreversible harm to our fragile environment.
Please provide details for research notes and references. I will also be creating a 20 slide presentation based on this essay so all graphs, charts and data visuals are greatly appreciated should you find good ones.
How Fast Fashion Works
Goal: Explain how Fast Fashion works and provide background so the reader understands the vast reach and global impact of this trend.

  1. Description of the Fast Fashion trend in more detail.
    1. When did it start?
    2. How does it work?
    3. Why has it become such a massive trend?
    4. Set up the conversation for assessing the global impact
  2. Free Trade Agreement
    1. How have changes in world trade allowed for Fast Fashion to be possible?
    2. Emphasize how globalization has created an environment that supports Fast Fashion
  3. How has the American consumer become a driving force of these trends?
    1. What companies started these trends and who are the market leaders pushing this forward?
    2. Provide statistics on purchases and volume

Goal: Provide details and statistics on Production to emphasize how globalization has made Fast Fashion possible. Fast Fashion is only possible with a global approach to production and this section should set up the larger discussion about economic impact.

  1. Supply Chain
    1. Where are things being produced and at what scale?
    2. Where are raw materials being sourced and at what quantity?
    3. Provide stats on the demand of textiles
    4. Where are clothes being made and at what rate?
  2. Manufacturing
    1. Provide statistics on factories created
    2. What is the total output of clothes, provide measurable units
  3. Shipping
    1. How does this process work?
    2. What are the stats that demonstrate the scale of product being shipped?
    3. Can be very short, just want to quickly cover the topic.

Economic Impact
Goal: Evaluate and establish that Fast Fashion has a tremendous economic impact on the entire world by providing statistics and supporting facts. This section will be the largest part of the total essay.

  1. Globalization
    1. How has Globalization enabled Fast Fashion to exist?
    2. When did it start and how has it accelerated over time to what it has become today?
      1. Provide Data on growth
  2. Impact of Fast Fashion Globally
    1. Highlight Countries most impacted based on production, GDP, and wealth
      1. Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Turkey, Vietnam and other countries etc.
    2. Introduce Benefits and Costs by providing more details about a specific country like Bangladesh to emphasize where there is large impact.
  3. Labor – create a case for the value of labor opportunities being created and the benefits to local communities and economies
    1. How much labor is being used and how much are workers being paid?
    2. What is the average wealth created in each country?
      1. Garment workers, primarily women, in Bangladesh make about $96 per month. The government’s wage board suggested that a garment worker needs 3.5 times that amount in order to live a “decent life with basic facilities.”
    3. How many jobs are created in each country?
      1. According to non-profit Remake, 75 million people are making our clothes today, and 80 percent of apparel is made by young women ages 18 to 24.
    4. Risks
      1. Labor conditions in Bangladesh, after the collapse of Rana Plaza, for women working in sweatshops in Bangladesh.
      2. At the same time provides them with opportunities
  4. Trade
    1. What is the impact of trade on these economies?
    2. GDP Statistics
    3. Trade volume
  5. Wealth Creation
    1. How much wealth is actually being created for local economies where production occurs?
    2. How much are the companies leading Fast Fashion worth on Market Capitalization?
    3. What are the other benefits offered to economies where production occurs?

Societal Impact
Goal: Provide details about how there is significant environment harm caused by the waste from Fast Fashion and provide suggestions and recommendations about how to curtail this negative impact.

  1. Environmental Impact
    1. Quantify the waste with data
    2. Quantify the harm
  2. Can the speed of fast fashion continue to increase?
    1. What are the consequences of accelerating fast fashion?
  3. Recommended Solutions
    1. Consumer Awareness
    2. Government Action
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