Hello I Need help developing 2 slides for this Project
Hello I Need help developing 2 slides for this Project:<br/><br/><br/><br/>my
part is: 1-2 slides on the most important considerations an
d costs that the organization
should consider
I have to add illustrations for the other slides as well
attached are the Project instructions..
Thank you!
The presentation is to be developed using Microsoft
PowerPoint for delivery to the
executive leadership team, and should be at a level
appropriate for that purpose. Your
presentation format should be professional and use
frames, color and/or style to make it
interesting in appearance to keep your audience’s a
ttention. Each slide should have a
title and a limited number of bullet points. A pres
entation should capture key bullet
points and not include complete paragraphs and deta
iled text. The bullet points in your
presentation will be supported by relevant details
in the Notes section of the slides. Use
the Notes area to write what you would say if you w
ere giving this as a presentation.
Presentations with limited or no Notes will receive
much lower grades.
The use of at least three (3) external resources (o
ther than the textbook and classroom
resources) is required; your sources should be scho
larly sources, not Wikipedia and the
popular press. Remember to correctly cite and refer
ence your sources. Any direct
quotes should be indicated within the slide text wi
th appropriate quotation marks and an
in-text citation (however direct quotes should be s
hort and used sparingly, if at all).
Complete references for all sources should be inclu
ded in the corresponding Notes
section. Paraphrased material can just be reference
d within the Notes section of the
slides without an in-text citation on the slide. Th
is deviates from APA style but keeps the
slides more readable.
Your presentation should be at least 11 slides, to
A cover slide with a title, names of the group mem
bers and date as a minimum
A slide to explain the purpose of the briefing
4-6 slides that explains the assigned IT best prac
tice area
1-2 slides that explain how other organizations ha
ve used the best practice
2-3 slides that explain the benefits to the organi
zation of implementing the best
practice and what quantifiable and/or non-quantifia
ble benefits are expected
1-2 slides on the most important considerations an
d costs that the organization
should consider
Summary/conclusion slide (keep in mind the purpose
of the briefing is to obtain
executive approval to implement the best practice)
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