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Hello I need help the attach assignments, Case 13.1 (page 411) – Research Project: Impact of Information

Hello I need help the attach assignments, Case 13.1 (page 411) – Research Project: Impact of Information

Technology on Expenditure Cycle Activities, Threats, and Controls: In two to three pages, answer questions a and b at the end of the case.


CASE 13-1 Research Project: Impact of InformationTechnology on Expenditure Cycle Activities, Threats,and Controls Search popular business and technologymagazines (Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, CIO, etc.)to ±nd an article about an innovative use of IT that canbe used to improve one or more activities in theexpenditure cycle. Write a report that:a. Explains how IT can be used to change expenditurecycle activities.b. Discusses the control implications. Refer to Table 13-2, and explain how the new procedure changes thethreats and appropriate control procedures formitigating those threats.Table 13-2 shows that one way (control 1.1) to mitigate the threat ofinaccurate or invalid master data is to employ the data processingintegrity controls described in Chapter 10. It is also important torestrict access to expenditure cycle master data and con±gure thesystem so that only authorized employees can make changes tomaster data (control 1.2). This requires changing the defaultcon±gurations of employee roles in ERP systems to appropriatelysegregate incompatible duties. For example, consider the situationwhere an accounts payable clerk enters the name of a supplier whois not currently on the list of approved suppliers. The defaultcon±guration of many ERP systems would result in a prompt queryas to whether the clerk wants to create a new supplier record. Thisviolates proper segregation of duties by permitting the personresponsible for recording payments to suppliers to also authorize thecreation of new accounts. Similarly, the default con±gurations ofmany ERP systems permit accounts payable sta² not only to readthe prices of various products and the current balances owed tosuppliers but also to change the values of those data items. Theseexamples are just some of the many con±guration settings thatneed to be reviewed to ensure proper segregation of duties.
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