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MRKT 310 Principles of MarketngWeek 6 Writng Assignmen±Par± 1 – Creatng OFeringsAPPLE IPHONE 7Learning Ou±comes1Ofering.Student can describe an ofering based on Features, bene±ts, price, and costs oFownership2Type oF consumer oferings. Student can suggest markeTng strategy implicaTons based on thetype oF consumer ofering under examinaTon.3Product line extensions or new product development.Student can suggest possible productline extensions or related product or service oferings based on the student’s chosen product orservice ofering.4Product liFecycle.Student can suggest potenTal markeTng strategies based on the product orservice’s liFecycle stage.Directons•Your job in this WriTng Assignment is to develop markeTng mix strategies to ensure a valueofering For the target market you idenT±ed in the previous assignment. We begin with thevalue ofering this week.•We don’t expect you to develop strategies based on a total knowledge oF the product or servicesince you are not, or most likely not, employed by your product or service’s company. We willbe looking to see iF you can apply the markeTng concepts to the real world situaTon.•Again, do not Fall into the trap oF reporTng on the product or service. ²his is obvious becauseyour assignment will look like a rewrite oF the company’s website. Don’t be aFraid to makestrategy recommendaTons based on what you have discovered about the product or service,and how you think it can move Forward. Be creaTve, be reasoned, take risks.•Remember your product’s target market(s) From the previous paper. Always keep them in mindwhen making your recommendaTons. You now work For the company, and your goal it to helpthem grow sales.•Prepare your assignment beginning with a Ttle page including your name, your product orservice, and the name oF your target market. ²hen answer each oF the Following Four quesTonsin order and number the beginning oF each quesTon. ²here is no need to repeat the quesTontext.1Ofering.Describe your product or service ofering as it is currently in terms oF Features andbene±ts, price and the total cost oF ownership as discussed in the week’s readings. Is it moreproduct dominant or service dominant? What are the tangible and intangible aspects?2Type oF consumer ofering. Based on the Four categories oF type oF oferings discussed incourse content, describe the category in which your product or service ofering belongs. Basedon your new target market, would that category oF the ofering change and iF so, how? Howwould it change the markeTng strategy?3Product line extensions or new product development.Should the current product or service bemodi±ed to more Fully meet the needs oF your new target market? Would the changes
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constTuTe a new producT line, a producT line exTension or a new producT? If no producTchanges are needed, how does The same producT or service meeT The need of your TargeTmarkeT diFerenTly Than currenT cusTomers? Would The producT line exTension or new producTallow The oFering To occupy unconTesTed space in The percepTual map for The TargeT markeT ascovered in Thr previous paper?4Product lifecycle.In which sTage of The producT lifecycle is your producT or service oFeringnow? Would The changes described in number 3 above change The lifecycle sTage and if so how?WhaT would This mean To The lifecycle marketng sTraTegy?Part 2 – Using MarkeTng Channels and Price to Create Value for CustomersLearning Outcomes1MarkeTng Channels.STudenT can ouTline a mult-channel disTributon sysTem2MarkeTng channel strategy. STudenT can recommend a marketng channel sTraTegy for aproducT or service oFering ThaT assures The correcT amounT of inTensiTy.3Value chain.STudenT can discuss how each channel in The producT or service oFering addsvalue To The cusTomer.4Pricing strategy.STudenT can analyze a currenT pricing sTraTegy and make recommendatons formodi±catons.DirecTons•²his parT of The assignmenT assesses your abiliTy To relaTe marketng mix concepTs of disTributonand pricing To your producT or service oFering. You will also have a chance To recommend newdisTributon and pricing sTraTegies based on your new TargeT markeT To meeT Their needs.•Answer each of The following four questons, in order, numbering each of your responses.²here is no need To repeaT The queston.1MarkeTng channels.²o The besT of your abiliTy, ouTline The marketng channels of your producTor service oFering as They currenTly exisT. Refer To ³igure 6.2 for some ideas. MosT producT andservice oFerings will have more Than one channel, so your sysTem should include aT leasT Two;for example, (1) a direcT channel for inTerneT sales: manufacTurer –> cusTomer; and (2) anindirecT channel such as manufacTurer –> disTribuTor –> wholesaler –> reTailer –> cusTomer. Ifyour producT or service only has only a direcT channel, explain why. Would This channel sTraTegychange as a resulT of your new TargeT markeT? Why or why noT?2MarkeTng channel strategy.Why Type of disTributon inTensiTy sTraTegy does your producT orservice currenTly use? How do you know This? Would This disTributon inTensiTy sTraTegy changefor your new TargeT markeT? Why or why noT?3Value chain.Referring back To your marketng channel diagram, discuss whaT each member ofThe value chain does To bring value To The consumer.4Pricing strategy.Referring To The various pricing sTraTegies ouTlined in The week’s readings,which one does your producT or service currenTly use? Would you recommend any changes foryour new TargeT markeT? If so, how would you change iT and why?General Submission Requirements•Prepare as a word processed documenT (such as Microso´ Word). Use a simple 12-poinT fonT
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