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Hello there, the shopping list has to let the user add, list, and delete items

Hello there, the shopping list has to let the user add, list, and delete items


program should be modular*. For example, you will want to have an add_item(shopping_list) function, a delete_item(shopping_list) function, a display_list(shopping_list) function, a display_menu() function, and a main().

Sample Output:

Welcome to the program!

1. Add an item

2. List all items

3. Delete an item

4. Exit

Enter a menu option: 1

Please enter the item: pears

pears was added to the shopping list

Enter a menu option: 2

1 : pears

Enter a menu option: 3

Which number to delete: 3

pears was deleted

Enter a menu option: 4

have a great day!


·      The program should start with 2 items in the shopping list.

·      Don’t forget to include at the end of the program the code:

o  if __name__ == “__main__”:


·      Use this code for the delete_item(shopping_list) function:

def delete_item(shopping_list):

number=int(input(“Which number to delete: “))

if number<1 or number>len(shopping_list):

print(“Invalid numbern”)



print(item,” was deletedn”)


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