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UMUC Haircuts Stage 1UMUC Haircuts Stage 1Ziynab AsmailIFSM 300University of Maryland University College
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UMUC Haircuts Stage 1The purpose in writing this case to help Myra Morningstar to expand herbusiness and promote her current management practices. Myra started as just abarbershop; she grew her business to provide services for both, men andwomen. Over the past years, she added three barber chairs, three hair stylingstations, and a shampoo station. Also, she received various requests fromcustomers, wanting to extend her business by supplementing two manicurestations. Myra is concerned about the updates within the area of otherbarbershops and the news that a hair salon hat will be opening 5 miles from her.Myra is looking into purchasing the small gift shop next door to her salon to addthe manicure stations.Currently, UMUC Haircuts lacks valuable IT resourcesand strategies that will assist Myra to become the leader Hair Cutters around theCollege Campus. This paper will analyze the following elements, businessanalysis, IT solutions to improve business process, evaluate IT solutions,communicate IT solutions to Myra, and assess what it will take to implement ITsolutions.Porter’s Five Forces Analysis:To start with a business analysis means to talk about Michael Porter’s FiveForces. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model is a useful tool for analyzing abusiness. The Model is used to help understand the importance and impact thatthe five competitive forces have in the firm and determine a strategy to developand maintain a competitive advantage.Buyer Power:
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