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PMAN635Quantitative Methods in Project ManagementSession 9 – IA-9PMAN635 Session 9 IA-9Problem 1:Given the information provided below (predecessors, normal time, normal cost,crash time (the minimum duration) and crash cost (the cost if crashed to the minimum duration)for a nine-activity (a to i) project) answer the questions (a) through (e) using this template.ActivityPredecessorNormalTimeNormalCostCrashTimeCrash Costa-4$502$200ba4$402$150cb7$703$160dc, f2$201$50ec3$302$100fb8$805$290gd, e5$503$150hf6$602$180ig, h3$503$50(a).Create the network diagram in the application of your choice and then insert a screen shot ofthe diagram here. The diagram can be created easily in MS Word using the Insert Shapesfunction.Alternatively, you can submit your diagram as an separate file.Identify the critical path of the network, the time, and cost of the normal level of activity for theproject:The critical path (or paths) is: __________________The project duration: ___________The project cost is: _____________(b).Calculate the crash cost-per-day (all activities may be partially crashed). Enter your responseto question 1(b) in the table provided belowActivityNormalTimeNormalCostCrash TimeCrash CostCrashCost/Day1abcde1Assume that each task’s crash costs are linear, ie that each day a task is crashed has an equal cost.Enter your network diagram in this space provided (you should delete this text boxand use as much space as necessary to display your network diagram).
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PMAN635Quantitative Methods in Project ManagementSession 9 – IA-9fghi(c). Find the optimal way to crash the project by one day.What is the projected project cost?What is the projected project duration?What is the critical path (or paths)?What task or tasks were crashed?Explain the results of your calculations.(d). Find the optimal way to crash the project by two days.What is the projected project cost?What is the projected project duration?What is the critical path (or paths)?What task or tasks were crashed?Explain the results of your calculations.(e). Calculate the shortest completion time for the project.What is the projected project cost?What is the projected project duration?What is the critical path (or paths)?What task or tasks were crashed?Explain the results of your calculations.
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