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Hi please view attached final and question 11.

Hi please view attached final and question 11. Please answer problems
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Name:PMAN 635 9041 Final ExamPlease do any tenof the following questions.If you do all twelve, I will credit youfor the best ten.Each question you do will be worth ten percent of your final examgrade.Where a question has multiple parts, each part is equal.Please include yourspecific answer in this document and submit it through your assignments folder.Include your name in the space above and as a part of the file name for all files yousubmit.Files (XLS, PDF, MPP, etc) showing your work should also be submittedthrough your assignments folder and include your name both within the file and as apart of the file name.1.You are estmatng cosTs for insTalling undersea cable in The Persian Gulf (aka The ArabianGulf).You have The following informaton concerning insTallaton cosTs:±he maTerialcosT per kilomeTer for cable is $100,000.You are insTalling 100 kilomeTers of cable.±he cosT per kilomeTer for insTallatondepends on The sea conditons (sea sTaTe).Sea STaTeCosT/kilomeTerI$25,000II$75,000a.WhaT would be The estmaTed cosT of The projecT if you knew wiTh cerTainTy ThaT,during The tme you were insTalling The cable, you would encounTer sea sTaTe I25% of The tme and sea sTaTe II 75% of The tme?b.Run a CrysTal Ball calculaton of The ToTal estmaTed cosT of The projecT, assumingThe probabiliTy of sea sTaTe 1 is normally disTribuTed wiTh a mean of 25% and asTandard deviaton of 5%.Only sea sTaTes I and II are possible.PosT your resulT,including your cosT forecasT.c.WhaT is your mean expecTed cosT?d.WhaT estmaTed cosT provides you 95% assurance ThaT your acTual cosT will beless Than ThaT amounT?2.Solve problem 23 at the end of chapter 6 of Mantel (be sure to read the entireproblem).Note that your choice is only between activities d and c.
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Problem 23 page (238) “23. Given the project shown in Figure 5-10 of Chapter 5, assumethat a facility used by activities c and d is scarce. Figure 5-10To which activity would you assign the facility first, given the following rules:a.Minimum slack:b.Most followers:c.Most critical followers:d.Shortest task first:e.As late as possible:3.A project is in its 50thweek and has an actual cost of $300,000 for the workperformed to date.The budgeted cost of that work is $400,000.It expected tohave completed $500,000 worth of work by this time.The budget for the entireproject is $1,000,000.What is the:a.CVb.SVc.CPId.EAC (provide two possible values.Show the formulas you use in calculaTngeach)4.You have prepared an initial estimate of $2,000,000 to develop a softwareapplication for your organization.However, after you think about it a while, youvaguely remember from an old course you took at UMUC that estimates aren’t thesame as reality.So, you do a bit more analysis and come up with the followingtable.How much reserve should you add to your initial estimate in order to havea 90% chance of success?ActivityMost LikelyOptimisticPessimisticLabor$1,000,000$800,000$1,500,000CommercialSW andLicenses$500,000$450,000$550,000
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