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Hi! Would you able to help me put together this assignment?

Hi! Would you able to help me put together this assignment?<br/>ITs

the final report, all of the papers to go with it are attached.
I need help putting together the final report. All of the previous assignments and the case study are posted as well. Essentially its just putting together all of the assignments I have already completed and organizing them and making it the final product.

Teachers Comment: Now, you are being asked to put all the pieces together and to develop about 4 new areas that you have not already done. I would expect that if you did not complete some of these areas, then you will have more work this week. I will be looking to see that you organize your report accordingly and that all of the areas are reported on in a systematic way. In all honestly, this should really be a cut and paste with some fine tuning to make things systematic.

The proposed systems design is documented in the form of a Final Systems Report. This report defines objectives and how the proposed system design will satisfy them. The primary purpose of the report is to inform and gain approval to proceed with the project. It should be presented in terms that management and users understand. The Final System Report will be compiled from the previously submitted Staged Assignments, supplemented with information about implementation personnel requirements and time and cost estimates.  Rather than paste together all of the previous assignments, the outline below should be followed and will require you to re-arrange sections of the previous assignments.
All of the information you need to complete the projects in this class is not provided in the case study.  In the discussion area of the classroom, there is a discussion titled “Case Study Interview Questions” where you can pose questions about the case study, as if you were interviewing the people in the case study organization.  Any information that you need that is not included in the case study should be asked about in this discussion.  Responses from the faculty member on behalf of the case study organization will be available for everyone in the class.
Use the case study and the Case Study Interview Questions discussion, your previously submitted staged assignments (including the feedback received), and resources and source documents (previously submitted documents, as corrected) listed below to create a Final System Report in the format provided.  Note that sections are re-organized and some paragraphs may need to be re-written using earlier content but presented as required here.  Items highlighted in yellow indicate sections that need to be added to or created for this Report.
Final System Report

-Introduction to the full systems study. (This section will come from your Stage 1:  Preliminary Investigation Report, re-written or re-organized as appropriate.)
-An overview of the events leading up to the study
-The subject of the study
-The objective and scope of the proposed system
-A statement of recommendations and justifications for the proposed system
-Description of the current process/system (This section will come from your Stage 1 Assignment:  Preliminary Investigation Report.)
-A brief description of the current process or the current system and how it is used
-The purpose of the current process or system
-The problems with the current process or system and the rationale for a new system
-The operating cost of the present system, if applicable
-Description of the proposed system (Sections A-E will come from your Stage 1 Assignment:  Preliminary Investigation Report; other sections from sources as indicated.)
-An overview of the proposed system
-The scope of the project
-The tangible and intangible benefits of the proposed system
-Feasibility Analyses
-Time and cost estimates to implement the proposed system
-Requirements Checklist  (Stage 2 assignment:  Requirements Specification)
-Data Models (Stage 2 assignment:  Requirements Specification)
-Process Models (Stage 2 assignment:  Requirements Specification
-System Design Specification (Stage 3 assignment:  System Design Specification)
-Recommended Acquisition Strategy – Respond to each of the following and provide brief explanations of your choices. (New, to be developed) [Week 6 Content reading on Acquisition Strategy]
-Identify scope of what to buy
-Product or service?
-Commercial-off-the-shelf or custom?
-Use in-house or contractor support?
-Select hosting alternative (dedicated servers, data center, or cloud computing)
-Implementation Plan (New, to be developed)
-A list of personnel needs to develop, install and maintain the new system
-A proposed timetable for installing the proposed system and staff-hours required to complete the project
-Financial Information
-The operating cost of the present system, if applicable (from Stage 1)
-The estimated implementation cost of the proposed system  (from Stage 1;  updated with any new information)
-The estimated operating cost and the estimated useful life of the new system (New, to be developed)
-The tangible and intangible benefits of the proposed system (add to those listed in Stage 1 to include financial benefits)
-Summary – A summary with a positive statement for implementing the proposed system. The summary should include any concerns about the timetable, funds, software, hardware, or personnel available for the project. (New, to be developed)

IFSM 461: Systems Analysis and DesignPrecision Electronic Parts, Inc.Case StudyIntroducTonThis case study will be used for a series of staged assignments.It should be thoroughly read andunderstood prior to working on any of the assignments.Se±ngPrecision Electronic Parts (PEP), Inc., is a small private business that has retained you to assist in thedevelopment of a new billing and payment system and associated processes.BackgroundPEP is a small, private specialized electronics company in Kansas. For the past 20 years, it hasmanufactured a wide range of precision electronic components and replacement parts for medicalequipment used in hospitals, doctor’s o±ces, and pharmacies. Last year, the company began buildingand delivering custom low voltage motors that reduced electricity costs and made older medicalequipment more environmentally friendly.More recently, PEP has added a new line of more e±cientlow voltage motors that can be used in precision equipment outside the healthcare industry.As a result, PEP is experiencing signi²cant increases in orders for the motors.The manufacturing facilityhas been expanded, and the sales and marke³ng teams have been enlarged.All of this is straining theOrdering & Shipping Department and the Inventory Management Department, which have received noincrease in personnel.They are mee³ng the challenge, but the Execu³ve Leadership Team (the CEO,COO, CFO, and CIO) know that they are only treading water.The Finance Department, however, isge´ng further and further behind in their invoice, billing and payment processes.The BusinessAdministra³on Department has stepped up to the task, but is at the breaking point.I² Steering Commi³eeThe IT Steering Commiµee (ITSC) at PEP is comprised of the Execu³ve Leadership Team, the Senior VicePresident and Vice President.• Carolyn West is the Chief Execu³ve O±cer (CEO). She has been at the company for 11 years. Carolynhas a background working for and managing electronics companies. Like most CEOs, Carolyn is focusedon the strategic and long-term business health of PEP. She chairs the IT Steering Commiµee. Carolyn andthe commiµee members jointly make decisions about IT systems and major organiza³onal businessprocess changes.• Tim Uduak, Jr. is the Chief Opera³ng O±cer (COO) and the son of founding partner Tim Uduak, Sr. Timhas been around the company since its incep³on in one capacity or another, except for four years ofcollege and a 3-year break to startup his own company. When his startup failed, Tim came back to PEP asthe SVP, Engineering & Manufacturing Opera³ons. Last year, he was promoted to COO. While Tim has aPEP Case Study1
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strategic focus and is not technology averse, he prefers to solve business challenges with processesrather than informaTon technology.• Karl Manley is the Chief Financial O±cer (CFO). He has been with the company for 9 years. Karl has abackground in accounTng and ²nance, and is a cerT²ed public accountant (CPA). He tends to focus onthe company’s ²nancial health to the exclusion of all other business concerns. While Karl is technology³uent, he resists new I´ purchases unless there is a clear and direct connecTon made between thetechnology investment and improving the company’s ²nancial pro²le. ´he Director, Accounts Receivable(Mary Winston) and the Director, Accounts Payable (Amy Dole) report to the CFO, and together areresponsible for the ²nancial operaTons of the business.• Mark ´emple is the Chief InformaTon O±cer (CIO) and head of the I´ Department.He provides all I´services to PEP.Prior to being hired as the CIO, Mark was an I´ manager at a large mulT-naTonalcorporaTon responsible for providing I´ services to their o±ces from the headquarters in Lincoln,Nebraska.While in that posiTon, Mark parTcipated in very structured I´ processes, and developed anappreciaTon for working with the operaTonal and management divisions to ensure success of I´projects.When he arrived at PEP, he advised the CEO, COO and CFO that an I´ Steering Commiµee couldhelp ensure they pursued the most bene²cial I´ projects.He is your primary point of contact for dealingwith PEP in analyzing their processes and systems.• Susan Black is the Senior Vice President (SVP), Engineering & Manufacturing OperaTons and is ´im’sreplacement.Susan has worked for the company for 13 years. She started as a Senior Engineer, and a¶ersix years was promoted to Director, Engineering, where she spearheaded the successful research anddevelopment of the low voltage motors. Susan is a champion of informaTon technology as long as it isclearly focused on the core business.• Jason Udo is the Vice President (VP), Business AdministraTon.He oversees all departments, exceptEngineering & Manufacturing, Finance, and I´. His responsibiliTes include key support funcTons such asSales, MarkeTng, Ordering & Shipping, Inventory, and Human Resources.´he I´SC has adopted the I´ governance processes recommended by the CIO.´hey review proposals forI´ investments and determine where to invest their limited funds.Each of the members has parTcularareas of interest, but all of them are focused on reducing the overall cost of running the business,increasing sales, and managing the cost of I´ for the company.´he I´SC has established a series ofcheckpoints at which they make go/no-go decisions on I´ projects.At these decision points thefollowing documents are reviewed by the I´SC:Preliminary InvesTgaTon Report – describes the problem/opportunity, idenT²es bene²ts ofa new system, and reports on various aspects of feasibility of the proposed project.Requirements Speci²caTon – documents the requirements to be ful²lled by the proposedsystem.Systems Design Speci²caTon – translates the requirements into a logical design for theproposed system.Final System Report – compiles previous documents and lays out the way ahead if theproject is approved and funded.As each report is approved, work on the following step begins.´his controls the amount of Tme ande·ort put into a request for a system.For example, if the Preliminary InvesTgaTon Report is notaccepted by the I´SC, no further work is performed on the system proposal.PEP Case Study2
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