How would you use a class diagram to create a sequence diagram
I need this in 1 hour 20min. I will not accept plaigerism or a score below 70%.
1 – How would you use a class diagram to create a sequence diagram? There is a message call line named CalculateSalesAmount pointing from a Salesman object to an Order object in a sequence diagram. CalculateSalesAmount has not been added to the class diagram yet. Explain the changes that would need to be made in the class diagram. (Points : 11)
2- Distinguish between the Extend and Include relationships in use case diagrams. What does INCLUDE: VALIDATE CREDIT CARD mean in a use case description named PROCESS SALE? Show how to use it in the use case description normal flow section. (Points : 11)
3- Define a structural model. Why should a systems analyst create one? What is class cohesion? Give an example of class cohesion. In your example, discuss attributes and operations.
4- List the logical transitions and states for running a washing machine. Consider time in your analysis.
5- Describe the generalization/specialization class relationship and how this relationship relates to the concept of inheritance.
6 – Briefly explain how a communication diagram of a system can be made to convey the same behavioral information as the sequence diagram.
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