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I am having trouble answering random algebra problems.

I am having trouble answering random algebra problems. There are 30

problems Problems #1-12 are Multiple Choice. Problems #13-21 are Short Answers (Work not required to be shown) and Problems #22-30 are Short Answers with work required to be shown. I uploaded the document for better understanding. If anyone could help me solve all of the questions, that would be amazing. Thank you

College AlgebraMATH 107Fall, 2016, V.2.8Page 1 of 11MATH 107 FINAL EXAMINATIONThis is an open-book exam. You may refer to your text and other course materials as you workon the exam, and you may use a calculator.You must complete the exam individually.Neither collaboration nor consultation with others is allowed.Record your answers and work on the separate answer sheet provided.There are 30 problems.Problems #1–12 are Multiple Choice.Problems #13–21 are Short Answer. (Work not required to be shown)Problems #22–30 are Short Answer with work required to be shown.MULTIPLE CHOICE1. Determine the domain and range of the piecewise function.1. ______A.Domain [–1, 3]; Range [1, 5]B.Domain [–1, 1]; Range [3, 5]C.Domain [0, 1]; Range [1, 3]D.Domain [5, 1]; Range [–1, 3]2.Solve:627xx+= –2. ______A.–27/7B.–3C.–3, 9D.No solution24-4-2-424
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College AlgebraMATH 107Fall, 2016, V.2.8Page 2 of 113. Determine the interval(s) on which the function is increasing.3. ______A.(–1,3)B.(–2,4)C.(–, –3.6) and (0, 6.7)D.(–, –2) and (4,)4. Determine whether the graph of2yx= +is symmetric with respect to the origin,thex-axis, or they-axis.4. ______A.symmetric with respect to thex-axis onlyB.symmetric with respect to they-axis onlyC.symmetric with respect to the origin onlyD.not symmetric with respect to thex-axis, not symmetric with respect to they-axis, andnot symmetric with respect to the origin5. Solve, and express the answer in interval notation:| 3 – 8x|21.5. ______A.(–,9/4][3,)B.(–, –9/4]C.[–9/4, 3]D.[–9/4,)
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