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I can’t figure out the error in this code to save my life. Plz help…

I can’t figure out the error in this code to save my life. Plz help…

I’ve attached what I’ve done as well as the homework assignment. Just need help with #3.


#define NUMMONTHS 12
#define NUMYEARS 5
#include <stdio.h>
// function prototypes
void inputdata();
void printdata();
void inputwindspeed();
// Global variables
// These are available to all functions
float Raindata[NUMYEARS][NUMMONTHS];
char years[NUMYEARS][5] = {“2011″,”2012″,”2013″,”2014″,”2015”};
char months[NUMMONTHS][12]
float sumRainfall[NUMYEARS];
float windspeed[NUMYEARS][NUMMONTHS];
int main ()
char enterData = ‘y’;
printf(“Do you want to input Precipatation data? (y for yes)\n”);
if (enterData == ‘y’) {
// Call Function to Input data
// Call Function to input windspeed

// Call Function to display data
else {
printf(“No data was input at this time\n”);
printf(“Please try the Precipitation program again. \n”);
return 0;
// function to inputdata
void inputdata() {
/* variable definition: */
float Rain=1.0;
// Input Data
for (int year=0;year < NUMYEARS; year++) {
for (int month=0; month < NUMMONTHS; month++) {
printf(“Enter rain for %d, %d:\n”, year+1, month+1);
sumRainfall[year] += Rain;

// Function for windspeed data input
void inputwindspeed() {
/*variable definition: */
float windspeed = 1.0;
//input data
for (int year=0;year < NUMYEARS; year++) {
for (int month=0;month < NUMMONTHS; month++) {
printf(“Enter windspeed for %d, %d:\n”, year+1, month+1);

// Function to printdata
void printdata() {
// Print data
printf (“year\t month\t rain\n”);
for (int year=0;year < NUMYEARS; year++) {
for (int month=0; month< NUMMONTHS; month++) {
printf(“%s\t %s\t %5.2f\t %5.2f\n”,
years[year],months[month],Raindata[year][month], windspeed[year][month]);
//printing sum of rainfall for the year
printf(“Total rainfall for this year: %5.2f\n”, sumRainfall[year]);

Jennifer LagumenCMIS 10225 July 2017Week 8 Hands-On LabTest PlanTo verify this program is working properly the input values could be used for testing:Test CaseInputExpected Output
Background image of page 01
1Enter data? = y1.
Background image of page 02


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