I don’t know if my question got posted or not,
Hello,<br/><br/><br/>I don’t know if my question got posted or not,
so I am going to try again. I am working on a project that uses a superclass, two subclasses, and a test class. The code is mostly written, but I keep coming up with errors and I’m not sure why. It looks like the subclasses are not inheriting the variables from the superclass, but they were before and I’m not sure what I did to change that. The test class is also not inheriting the superclass. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The code and the format of the .csv file I am using is below:
/** * File: Employee.java * Author: Lutz, Zechariah * Date: 2 November 2019 * Purpose: Employee class that displays monthly and annual salary */ public class Employee { // Set data fields protected int year; protected String employee; protected String position; protected int monthlySalary; // Constructor to set variables public Employee(int year, String employee, String position, int monthlySalary){ super(); this.year = year; this.employee = employee; this.position = position; this.monthlySalary = monthlySalary; } // Constructor to set default values public Employee(){ this.year = 2014; this.employee = “Davis, Brian”; this.position = “Sales”; this.monthlySalary = 2600; } public double annualSalary() { return this.monthlySalary * 12; } // Getter and setter methods public int getYear() {return this.year;} public String getEmployee() {return this.employee;} public String getPosition() {return this.position;} public int getMonthlySalary() {return this.monthlySalary;} public void setYear(int year) {this.year = year;} public void setEmployee(String employee) {this.employee = employee;} public void setPosition(String position) {this.position = position;} public void setMonthlySalary(int monthlySalary) {this.monthlySalary = monthlySalary;} public String toString() { return “Employee name: ” + getEmployee() + “, \n” + “Work Year: ” + getYear() + “, \n” + “Position: ” + getPosition() + “, \n” + “Monthly salary: $” + getMonthlySalary() + “, \n” + “Annual salary: $” + annualSalary(); } }
/** * File: Salesman.java * Author: Lutz, Zechariah * Date: 2 November 2019 * Purpose: Subclass for employee; * displays compensation for salesman */ package Employee; public class Salesman extends Employee{ // Data fields for salesman private double annualSales; // Constructor to set variables and access methods from superclass public Salesman(int year , String employee , String position , int monthlySalary , double annualSales) { super(year, employee, position, monthlySalary); this.annualSales = annualSales; } // Constructor to set default values public Salesman() { this.annualSales = 100000; } public String annualSalary() { double commission = this.annualSales * .02; if (commission > 20000) { commission = 20000; } return annualSalary() + commission; // Getter and setter methods public double getAnnualSales() { return this.annualSales; } public void setAnnualSales(double annualSales){ this.annualSales = annualSales; } // toString() method that overrides Employee.java public String toString() { return super.toString() + “Annual sales: $” + getAnnualSales; } } }
/** * File: Salesman.java * Author: Lutz, Zechariah * Date: 2 November 2019 * Purpose: Subclass for executive; * displays compensation for executive based on stock */ package Employee; public class Executive extends Employee { // Data fields for executive private double stockPrice; private int stockBonus; // Constructor to set variables and access methods from superclass public Executive(int year, String employee, String position, int monthlySalary, double stockPrice, int stockBonus) { super(year, employee, position, monthlySalary); this.stockBonus = stockBonus; this.stockPrice = stockPrice; } // Constructor to set default values // Add else/if statement to calculate bonus pay based off of stock market public Executive() { this.stockPrice = 50; } public double annualSalary() { this.stockPrice = 50; if(stockPrice <= 50) stockBonus = 0; else this.stockBonus = 0; if(stockPrice >= 51) stockBonus = 30000; return annualSalary() + stockBonus; } // Getter and setter methods public double getStockPrice() {return this.stockPrice;} public int getStockBonus() {return this.stockBonus;} public void setStockPrice(double stockPrice) {this.stockPrice = stockPrice;} public void setStockBonus(int stockBonus) {this.stockBonus = stockBonus;} // toString() method that overrides Employee.java public String toString(){ return super.toString() + “Stock price: $” + getStockPrice(); } }
/** * File: EmployeeSalary.java * Author: Lutz, Zechariah * Date: 2 November 2019 * Purpose: Contains main method for employee data; * reads text file and displays compensation for various employees */ package Employee; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; public class EmployeeSalary { private ArrayList<Employee> employeeData2014 = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList<Employee> employeeData2015 = new ArrayList(); public void EmployeeData () { try{ Scanner input = new Scanner(new File (“Employee Data.csv”)); while (input.hasNext()) { int year = 0; if (year == 2014){ String employee = input.next(); String position = input.next(); double monthlySalary = input.nextDouble(); if (position.equals(“Salesman”)){ double annualCommission = input.nextDouble(); employeeData2014.add(new Salesman(year, employee, monthlySalary, annualSales)); } else if (position.equals(“Executive”)){ int stockBonus = input.nextInt(); employeeData2014.add(new Executive(year, employee, monthlySalary, stockPrice)); } else { employeeData2014.add(new Employee(year, employee, monthlySalary)); } } if (year == 2015){ String employee = input.next(); String position = input.next(); double monthlySalary = input.nextDouble(); if (position.equals(“Salesman”)){ double annualCommission = input.nextDouble(); employeeData2015.add(new Salesman(year, employee, monthlySalary, annualSales)); } if (position.equals(“Executive”)){ int stockBonus = input.nextInt(); employeeData2015.add(new Executive(year, employee, monthlySalary, stockPrice)); } else { employeeData2015.add(new Employee(year, employee, monthlySalary)); } } input.nextLine(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException e){ System.out.println(“Error: Check the input file.”); } catch (IOException e){ System.out.println(“File not found.”); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { System.out.println(“The last line of the document is not blank”); } } public void showEmployeeData(){ double averageSalary2014 = 0; double averageSalary2015 = 0; System.out.println(“2014 Data: “); for (Employee x: employeeData2014){ System.out.println(x.toString()); averageSalary2014 += x.annualSalary(); } averageSalary2014 = averageSalary2014 / employeeData2014.size(); System.out.println(“The average salary in 2014 was: ” + averageSalary2014); System.out.println(“2015 Data: “); for (Employee x: employeeData2015){ System.out.println(x.toString()); averageSalary2015 += x.annualSalary(); } averageSalary2015 = averageSalary2015 / employeeData2015.size(); System.out.println(“The average salary in 2015 was: ” + averageSalary2015); } public static void main (String[] args){ EmployeeSalary list = new EmployeeSalary(); list.EmployeeData(); list.showEmployeeData(); } }
Year,Position,Name,Monthly Pay,Compensation 2014,Employee,”Smith, John”,2000, 2015,Salesman,”Jones, Bill”,3000,100000 2014,Executive,”Bush, George”,5000,55
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