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I feel this is amazingly close to being a completed introduction and thesis.

I feel this is amazingly close to being a completed introduction and thesis.  How can I improve it?

 ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentAnnotated Bibliography:Cathy BieniekHumn-303-Introduction to HumanitiesProfessor PisanoDate: 7-23-2016The Renaissance influenced the course of the development of modern culture, society, andsince it is a characteristic extension of both, artistic expression.Leonardo da Vinci, the epitomeof the “Renaissance man”, was part of the humanist movement.His intellectual achievementsand interests span a wide variety of fields in art, science and literature.Da Vinci recorded hisobservations about nature, animals and human beings, and also focused on the man-made worldin secret notebooks.Although da Vinci was not considered a genius in his time, his notebookscontain drawings of the airplane, a bicycle, double tiered bridge, and a helicopter based on theflying ability of a bat.Standards of artistic expression, especially as they showed up in theworks of Leonardo de Vinci throughout the Renaissance, have remained indispensable inall parts of modern culture and provided inspiration and guidance to innumerable artists,scientists, engineers, and doctors since his death five centuries ago.To begin with you have actually explained well the history about Leonard da Vinci as per his many works of art whichare put down by many book writers. Second the ideas that are relevant to the subject matter are the knowledge andconcepts that da Vinci had put down in many of his secret notebooks. In his work of art also you should include hisinventions as a genius though he was not considered and appreciated as per his many contemporaries which madehim at least to create on a paper an airplane, a bicycle and helicopter which was based on the flying ability of a bat.

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View the AnswerWitoszek, N. (2014). Leonardo da Vinci Our Contemporary?.Worldviews:Global Religions,Culture & Economy, 18(2), 122-143. doi:10.1163/15685357-01802002.In this article, Witoszek is writing in response to historians who claim that the EuropeanRenaissance has either waned or has been declining swiftly.He investigates and reevaluates theconcepts and representations of Renaissance humanism and how these ideas are illustratedthrough the works of Leonardo da Vinci.Three main arguments are addressed.The firstargument delves into the ecological forces in Leonardo’s opus representative of the relationshipbetween humans and nature, and its relevance to a fundamental change in approach imposed bythe “current environmental and social crisis”, (Witiszek, 2014).Nature, humanity and progressare interconnected, He maintains that a good deal that can be learned from the “small andsubversive community of Renaissance umanasti” when imagining a more sustainable future(Witiszek, 2014).Leonardo, in 1502, worked with Machiavelli on a project to alter the course ofthe Arno river.The project was a failure but the ideas Leonardo held in terms of theinterconnection of the natural world and humanity influenced Machiavelli who echoed thisconcept in the central metaphors in “The Prince”, a political anthropology which would come todefine social order.The “umanasti” established an advanced ethical vision which developed intothe foundation of Western innovation.There are two direct influences stemming from theRenaissance. The first is illustrated in “De Hominis Dignitate”, an oration which personified theendless possibilities one has in determining the course of their life.A darker view is seen in thewars, greed, corruption, and the Inquisition.Lastly, Leonardo’s legacy and a rethinking of natureand humanity in the viewpoints of the Renaissance and thinkers place the focus on a distinctivecode of eco-humanism.Eco-humanism accentuates human dignity, nature’s self-sufficiency andauthority, the right to ask questions and speak freely, and stresses the use of laws to limit human

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