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I have some java script in an word document that needs to be in an actual java program

I have some java script in an word document that needs to be in an

actual java program with a screen shot for each step showing that the java program works.
I have attached the word document with the java file and also the instructions for the project.
If the instructions could be looked over to make sure they comply with the current java programs I have created.

ATM_GUI_InterfaceBuilder.javaimport javax.swing.*;import java.awt.event.*;@SuppressWarnings(“serial”)public class ATM_GUI_InterfaceBuilder extends JFrame {    private static int accountNumber;    private static Account savingsAccount = new Savings(accountNumber);    private static Account checkingAccount = new Checking(accountNumber);    private static JButton button1, button2, button3, button4;    private static JTextField inputFieldValue;    private static JRadioButton checking, savings;    private static JPanel atmPanel;    ActionEvent transaction;    public static void main(String[] args) {   new ATM_GUI_InterfaceBuilder();    }    public ATM_GUI_InterfaceBuilder() {   atmPanel = createNewPanel();   createButtonsAndFields();   buttonActonOnClick(atmPanel);   createJRadioButtonGroup_SetDefaultSelection(atmPanel);   createTextField(atmPanel);   displayPanel(atmPanel);    }    private JPanel createNewPanel() {   JPanel newPanel = new JPanel();   this.setSize(400, 100);   this.setLocationRelativeTo(null);   this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);   this.setTitle(“ATM Machine”);   return newPanel;    }    private void createTextField(JPanel thePanel) {   thePanel.add(inputFieldValue);    }
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    private void createJRadioButtonGroup_SetDefaultSelection(JPanel thePanel) {   ButtonGroup groupAccountType = new ButtonGroup();   groupAccountType.add(checking);   groupAccountType.add(savings);   thePanel.add(checking);   thePanel.add(savings);   checking.setSelected(true);    }    private void createButtonsAndFields() {   checking = new JRadioButton(“Checking”);   savings = new JRadioButton(“Savings”);   inputFieldValue = new JTextField(“”, 10);   button1 = new JButton(ButtonToTransactions.WITHDRAW);   button2 = new JButton(ButtonToTransactions.DEPOSIT);   button3 = new JButton(ButtonToTransactions.TRANSFER_TO);   button4 = new JButton(ButtonToTransactions.BALANCE);    }    private void buttonActonOnClick(JPanel thePanel) {   ActionListener withdrawal = new TransactionButton(thePanel,       inputFieldValue, savingsAccount, checkingAccount,       ButtonToTransactions.WITHDRAW, checking, savings, button1);   button1.addActionListener(withdrawal);   ActionListener deposit = new TransactionButton(thePanel,       inputFieldValue, savingsAccount, checkingAccount,       ButtonToTransactions.DEPOSIT, checking, savings, button2);   button2.addActionListener(deposit);   ActionListener transferTo = new TransactionButton(thePanel,       inputFieldValue, savingsAccount, checkingAccount,       ButtonToTransactions.TRANSFER_TO, checking, savings, button3);   button3.addActionListener(transferTo);   ActionListener balance = new TransactionButton(thePanel,       inputFieldValue, savingsAccount, checkingAccount,       ButtonToTransactions.BALANCE, checking, savings, button4);   button4.addActionListener(balance);    }    private void displayPanel(JPanel thePanel) {
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