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I have to get this code to run in the compiler but cannot

I have to get this code to run in the compiler but cannot for the

life of me see what I am missing, I tried getting a fresh pair of eyes, but neither of us could see where I went wrong. when put in the compiler it says I am missing a command, but I am not sure what. The point of the program is so that it can go through menu options. Here is the code and a screen shot.
#include <stdio.h>
// Function prototypes
int Square(int value);
int Cube(int value);
int Shrink(int value);
int main ()
/* variable definition: */
int intValue, menuSelect,Results;
intValue = 1;
// While a positive number
while (intValue > 0)
printf (“Enter a positive Integer\n: “);
scanf(“%d”, &intValue);
if (intValue > 0)
printf (“Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to calculate shrink \n: “);
scanf(“%d”, &menuSelect);

if (menuSelect == 1)
// Call the Square Function
Results = Square(intValue);
printf(“Square of %d is %d\n”,intValue,Results);
else if (menuSelect == 2)
// Call the Cube function
Results = Cube(intValue);
printf(“Cube of %d is %d\n”,intValue,Results);
return 0;
else if (menuSelect == 3)
results = Shrink(intValue);
printf(“Shrink of %d is %\n”, intValue, Results);
printf(“Invalid menu item, only 1, 2, or 3 is accepted\n”);
/* function returning the Square of a number */
int Square(int value)
return value*value;
/* function returning the Cube of a number */
int Cube(int value)
return value*value*value;
double Shrink(double value) {
return (double)value/2;

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