I need help finishing this compiling this code here is the script and it is a script for an atm program on visual studio 2017.
I need help finishing this compiling this code here is the script and it is a script for an atm program on visual
studio 2017.
// Bring in our properties
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream> // read/write to files
#include <ctime> //time (0)
#include <iomanip> // setprecision ()
using namespace std;
void deposit(double* ptrBalance);
void withdrawl(double*ptrBalance, float dailyLimit); //overloaded method-this version does not take withdrawl mount
void withdrawl(double*ptrbalance, float dailyLimit, float amount); //overloaded method that takes withdrawl amount
/// Entry point to application
int main()
cout << “Press any key to continue …”;
///make a deposit
void deposit(double* ptrBalance);
//get deposit and validate
float deposit = 0.0f;
cout << “nEnter deposit amount:”;
cin >> deposit;
if (cin.fail()) //did they give us a character instead of a number?
cin.clear(); //clears fail state
cin.ignore(INT16_MAX, ‘n’); // Clears keyboard buffer
cout << “nError. Please use numbers only.n” << endl;
deposit = -1; // set deposit to a “Bad number”
continue; // restart loop
else if (deposit <0.0f) //check for negaitve number
cout << “nError. Invalid deposit amount.n” << endl;
while (deposit < 0.0f);
//how do we get the double value located at the pointer?
//Deference it using an aterisk!
*ptrBalance += deposit;
//same as ptrbalance=*ptrbalance+deposit;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << “nCurrent balance :$” << *ptrBalance << endl;
void withdrawl(double*ptrBalance, float dailyLimit);
//get the withdrawl(you should validate this input)
float amount = 0.0f;
cout << “nEnter withdrawl amount:”;
cin >> amount;
//call the overloaded method version that takes the balance, dailyLimit, and withdrawl amount
withdrawl(ptrBalance, dailyLimit, amount);
/// Make a withdrawl-this overload accepts balance,dailyLimit, and withdrawl amount
void withdrawl(double*ptrBalance, float dailyLimit, float amount);
//take away money from the account and show the balance
if (amount > dailyLimit)
cout << “nError. Amount exceeds daily limit” << endl;
else if (amount > *ptrBalance) //notice the asterisk to deference the pointer
cout << “nError. Insufficient funds.” << endl;
*ptrBalance -= amount; //same as:*ptrBalance=*ptrBalance-amount;
cout << “nHere is your cash: $” << amount << endl;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << “nCurrent Balance: $” << *ptrBalance << endl;
const int EXIT_VALUE =5;
const float dailyLimit = 400.0f;
const string FILENAME = “Account.txt”;
double Balance = 0.0;
double* ptrBalance = &Balance; // & means “address of”
ifstream iFile(FILENAME.c_str());
if (iFile.is_open())
iFile >> Balance;
srand(time(0) );
const int MIN = 1000;
const int MAX = 10000;
Balance = rand() % (MAX – MIN + 1) + MIN;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << “Starting Balance:$/n” << Balance << endl;
short choice = 0;
//show the menu
cout << “Menun” << endl;
cout << “1) Deposit” << endl;
cout << “2) Withdrawl” << endl;
cout << “3) Check Balance” << endl;
cout << “4) Quick $40” << endl;
cout << “5) Exit” << endl;
cout << “Enter your choice:”;
cin >> choice;
// run code based on the user’s choice
switch (choice) {
case 1:
case 2:
cout << “Making a withdrawl…n” << endl;
withdrawl(ptrBalance, dailyLimit);
case 3://show balance
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << “nCurrent Balance: $” << Balance << endl;
case 4://getting a quick 40
withdrawl(ptrBalance, dailyLimit, 40.0f);
case 5:
cout << “Goodbyen” << endl;
cout << “Error. Please select from the menun” << endl;
cout << “…Press any key to continuen”;
while (choice != EXIT_VALUE);
//now that the application is is over, write the new balance to the file
ofstream oFile(FILENAME.c_str());
oFile << Balance << endl;
return 0;
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