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I need help to write PHP AND HTML for the below questions slope-intercept equation for a line:

I need help to write PHP AND HTML for the below questions slope-intercept equation for a line: y = mx+b
 Surface Area of Sphere: A = 4R2
 Distance an object travels for given velocity and time : d = vt
The values used for each of the formulas are as follows:

Values and parameters

Slope intercept calculate y

x={2,5,8,10} for m=-2; b=0;

Surface Area of Sphere A

R = {2,6,10, 100,1000};

Distance object travels: d

v={10m/s, 30m/s, 327m/s, 1200 m/s} for time from 0 to 10 in steps of 0.5 seconds.

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