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I need help with a Course Project Outline due 1/24/16 and final paper due 3 weeks

I need help with a Course Project Outline due 1/24/16 and final paper due 3 weeks from that date. Required this

week to submit an outline for your Course Project into the associated Dropbox. The outline should include an indexed table of contents, which lists the section headers that will be used in the final paper to submit in week 6.  The paper objective is to select and compare both, 3 Linux distributions for workstation, and 3 Linux distributions for servers.  Then, provide one distro recommendation for Workstation and one for server.

Grading RubricsBack to TopWeek 3 OutlineCategoryPointsDescriptionDocumentation,Editing, andFormatting10A quality outline will be free of any spelling, punctuation, orgrammatical errors. A quality outline will include a title page,appropriate sections based on a table of contents (TOC), propercitations, and a bibliography. It will conform to APA guidelines,including citations and references.Organization andCohesiveness10A quality outline will include an introduction based on a well-formed thesis statement. The introduction will establish students’understanding of project requirements and their goal forcompleting the project. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear,concise, and factually correct.Content15A quality outline will address requirements to compare andcontrast both the server and workstation products from threedifferent Linux vendors. A quality outline will identify the threespecific vendors, along with their server and workstationproducts, that will be compared in the paper. The outline willdemonstrate that sufficient research and due diligence have beenperformed to date in completion of the final project.Total35A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.paper.Start your research as early as possible, preferably in Week 1.Use academic and professional journals, magazines, nonbiased websites, and so forth asthe foundation for your references. Extensive use of vendors’ literature for evaluating itsproducts will usually result in a biased perspective.Create a functional outline before you begin to write your paper. Use it as your guide whilewriting to maintain proper organization and cohesion. And yes, it is okay to refine your outlineas you write your paper.Again, the focus is on the business environment, not personal or home use.
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