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I need help with create powerpoint file about 8 slides or more if there is additional.

Hi tutors,

I need help with create powerpoint file about 8 slides or more if there is

additional. The course project is about Budget Preparation Tutorial. I’ll attach the information of example file of all slides, so you can follow that instruction and create the slides.

MGMT408 Budget Tutorial TranscriptSlide 1No audioSlide 2Our example will be a very simple one in order to introduce you to theconcepts behind budget preparation and estimation. The example usessimple calculations to estimate diferent account costs For the comingyear. Be aware that not all budget items require calculations to obtainan estimate. ±or example, the company needed a larger phone systemin 2010. Instead oF buying a system we chose to lease a system. Thatmade our lease payments in 2010 almost double what they were in2009. IF we use calculations we will estimate that our lease paymentsin 2011 will be double what they were in 2010 – obviously not correct.Part oF the budgeting process is to apply common sense to allestimates. Use calculations where appropriate and other methods(historical records, experience, “rules oF thumb”, etc.) when necessary.There are two budgeting processes used to estimate the next cycle’sbudget. Run-rate uses budgets From previous cycles as a starting pointFor estimating a new budget. Zero-based budgeting assumes everyitem starts at 0 and each and every item’s budget estimate must bejusti²ed. Many times which process is used depends on the economicenvironment. Run-rate budgeting is useFul when the economy is stableor growing. Zero-based is used oFten when the economy is poor or acompany Faces severe economic hardship.Whichever method is used, we need some tools that allow us toefectively estimate budget costs For the coming budget cycle.Slide 3Our example will use the run-rate budgeting process to estimatebudgetary costs For these Four main categories – Salaries and Bene²ts,Telecommunications1and Network, Utilities, and Capital Projects. Actual budgets arecomprised oF many diferent and speci²c accounts that make up the
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