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I need help with this essay. The paper should be as follows:

I need help with this essay. The paper should be as follows:

Abstract, introduction, and Body (Two pages total body/content – in length)-thoughts should be supported with key terms from the attachment and other resources.

Pick five of the leadership tasks listed below. Address why each task is important to understand as a leader that is involved with the strategic planning process. Explain what each process means and what is involved with the five that you picked.

1)Understanding the context 2)Understanding the people involved, including oneself 3)Sponsoring Process 4)Championing the process 5)Facilitating the process 6)Fostering collective leadership 7)Using dialogue and discussion

8)Making and implementing policy decisions 9)Enforcing norms, settling disputes, and managing residual conflict 10) Pulling it all together.

Chapter 11& 12 from Strategic Planning for Public & Nonprofit Organizations by Bryson, John M can help

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