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I need the risk matrix for this business case.please find attached the instructions.

I need the risk matrix for this business case.please find attached the instructions.

Running Head: TRUSTY CARPETS1Trusty Carpets:Name:Institution:
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TRUSTY CARPETS2TRUSTY CARPETSBackgroundTrusty carpet is a small retail store where carpets are sold to the customers. The businessis situated in a central place where the activities of the day are very much busy. On the otherhand, the enterprise has not been using great technological solutions to reach out to theircustomers. The business advertises its services in the newspapers where there is no assurance ofan enormous outreach to the prospecting clients.On the other hand, the company has a few employees to service the customers; there is afinancial accountant who handles the company’s books of accounting. Moreover, the businesshas a problem with the installation of the carpets. There are no employees who do theinstallation, so the business owner’s brother in law does it for him at a coordinated price.Therefore, they would substantially reduce the costs if the company had an employee who doesthe installation.A neighboring carpets store that is big enough and has a beautiful showroom is on sale.The business owner of Trusty carpets considers that place as an exquisite area where he couldconduct his business to a whole new level. However, to coordinate well, he has to retain the salesstaff of the company and also work on ensuring that the sales are elevated more than the placewas attracting before.Therefore, the business is on the verge of expansion, and it requires a perfect industrialstrategy that will ensure it reaches the future customers. The business needs a model ofadvertisement and outsourcing for clients that is efficient and less expensive. This is because theenterprise has not developed like the other competitors who use televisions to advertise their
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