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I need to solve the attach questions. Problem 12-17 using appropriate tax forms. 

I need to solve the attach questions. Problem 12-17 using appropriate tax forms.

For Part I (due in Week 3), you are asked to use the introductory sentence about the taxpayer andcomplete paragraph items 12, 13, 14, 16, and 17. You will also need to read the requirements and notethat the taxpayer is not making a contribuTon to the PresidenTal Campaign Fund.12.Every year around Christmas, John receives cards from various car repair faciliTes (includingdealerships) expressing thanks for the business referrals and enclosing cash. John has no arrangement,contractual or otherwise, that requires any compensaTon for the referrals he makes. Concerned aboutthe legality of such “giFs,” John consulted an a±orney about the ma±er a few years ago. Without passingjudgment on the status of the payors, the a±orney found that John’s acceptance of the payments doesnot violate state or local law. John sincerely believes that the payments he receives have no e²ect on thereferrals he makes. During December 2014, John received cards containing $7,200. One addiTonal cardcontaining $900 was delayed in the mail and was not received by John unTl January 4, 2015.13.In addiTon to those previously noted, the Millers’ receipts during 2014 are summarized below:Payments to John for services rendered (as reported on ³orms 1099–MISC issued by several payorinsurance companies) pursuant to contractual arrangement$82,000Income tax refunds for tax year 2013:³ederal210State of Minnesota90Interest income (reported on separate ³orms 1099–IN´):State of Minnesota general-purpose bonds1,400General Electric corporate bonds1,100CerTµcate of deposit at Aitkin NaTonal Bank900Qualiµed dividends (Duke Energy, reported on ³orm 1099–DIV)1,200
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