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I uploaded the question before because I needed help. However, didn’t label it as advanced.

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ECET-350EXPERIMENT #6NAME:__________________________________________IIR Filter DesignObjectve:To learn abou± how ±o design IIR fl±ers using Ma±lab’s bilinear ±ransForm command.IntroducTonAn IIR fl±er is comple±ely specifed by i±s di²erence equaton or ±ransFer FunctonAs given in general Forms in ±he Followingy(n)=box(n)+b1x(n1)++bMx(nM)a1y(n1)aNy(nN)Wherebo,b1,…,bManda1,a2,…,aNare coe³cien±s oF ±he sys±em;nis ±hediscre±e-tme index. A digi±al fl±er can also be represen±ed by i±s ±ransFer Functon by ±aking±he z-±ransForm oF ±he di²erence equaton asH(z)=Y(z)X(z)=bo+b1z1++bMzM1+a1z1++aNzN.The IIR fl±er ou±pu±y(n)depends no± only on ±he curren± inpu±x(n)and pas±inpu±sx(n1),x(n2),…bu± also on ±he pas± ou±pu±sy(n1), y(n2),…(Feedback or recursive ±erms). The ±ransFer Functon oF IIR fl±ers is a ratonal Functon oFz(i.e., numera±or polynomial on denomina±or polynomial inz. Consequen±ly ±hefl±er impulse response has an infni±e number oF ±erms.The roo±s oF ±he denomina±or polynomial ob±ained by solving charac±eristc equaton1+a1z1++aNzN=0are called poles and mus± be inside ±he uni± circle in z-plane ±oensure ±he fl±er s±abili±y.IIR fl±ers o²er a much smaller fl±er size. Hence, ±he fl±er operaton as coded on ±he digi±alcompu±ers or DSP chips requires a small number oF compu±atons. On ±he o±her side, ±helinear phase response is hard ±o achieve. When linear phase is no± necessary, IIR fl±ers arepreFerred due ±o simpler compu±aton and Fas±er response as compared ±o an ´IR fl±er wi±ha large number oF coe³cien±s or ±aps.
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